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  1. Hi, I'm using Windows 10. My goal is to make a control map for my Roland A-800Pro midi controller to enable full operation of Cakewalk. Currently, I'm having trouble assigning my transport buttons to their Cakewalk equivalents. I read elsewhere that it takes two kinds of software to fully operate the A-Pro (at least in Cakewalk). The A-Pro Editor and the A-Pro Control Surface plug-in. The latter appears to be unattainable as the website went stale and the account creation was disabled. https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007012938/A-PRO-Control-Surface-Plug-in-1-0-1 In addition, the official Roland website states that the Windows 10 driver for the A-Pro midi controller does not support the plug-in for Cakewalk. https://www.roland.com/global/support/support_news/2849/#midikey My questions: 1. Is there another website where I can download the A-Pro Control Surface plug-in? 2. If the Windows 10 driver does not support the plug-in, is there an alternative? 3. If no plug-in is available, are there alternative methods to assigning my transport controls, etc.? Please explain. Thank you.
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