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  1. I tried my hand at electro music and made this song.Any feedback about mix? Thanks in advance!
  2. I always love 80s music sound so i try record song in this style, this is song by Status Quo - Tango im not record full song just beginning.... here is link how mix sounds so far:
  3. This was originally going to be done with my Korg X3 and E-mu Proteus FX until the E-mu died. Digital Sound Factory saved it with their SoundFonts of the Proteus 1,2 and 3 modules. While the FX is based on the same samples as the 1&2, the sounds aren't exactly the same. This got me close enough and I was able to complete the project in the same spirit. I was going for an 80's style synth tune. Yeah I know that the X3 and Proteus modules are 90's but the idea was to do it using only the vintage hardware. Even though I had to cheat. Lots of help on the arrangement and style from Band-in-a-Box (edited later in CbB). All the little ear candy bits I played in myself. I hope I captured the feel decently. I never really paid attention to this kind of thing the first time. I grew up as a Rocker and Metalhead and back then it was "eeeewww, synthesizers." Now we have Rammstein, Fear Factory and Dimmu Borgir. I'm not sure exactly what genre this is. Synthwave? It's not quite morose enough to be Darkwave. Maybe dim wave? Dusk wave? Anyway, here it is.
  4. From Audio Animals. Very '80s. The audio demo's a hoot. https://www.audioanimals.co.uk/shop/sample-shop/yamaha-pss-480
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