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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. Some time ago I think I heard about an "extract timing" method where you basically extract the timing/feel etc from an audio performance, like audio from a piano performance on a CD you extracted into the daw, and then apply that data to a midi performance. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I've never tried this myself, but I heard about it in Cakewalk back when I was using Pro Audio 9. Is this a Legit method/feature in Cakewalk and could it help the OP?
  2. I'm curious as to how responsive CbB support currently is if you do get through, as it took them about 3 weeks to get back to me about something and by then it had been resolved and forgotten about lol. No offense to Bandlab, but just saying.
  3. Yeah man I read that clearly, but still don't follow or see how that's at all useful for efficient, surgical editing .. I'm talking about being able to zoom in on a specific section of an audio clip so I can surgically edit it *at that very point where the curser is, i.e. exactly where I need it to be, not just broadly in the center of the clip, but a specific point* ... so if you're saying that I have to zoom in on the center of the clip to keep the clip in place, and then go and hunt down the point of the clip that I was trying to surgically edit, that just defeats the whole purpose. Am I misunderstanding you? Say you have an 8 bar audio clip and you want to surgically zoom in and edit somewhere like 30 frames into the start of the clip.. you're saying I have to zoom in on the middle of the clip first? That makes zero sense to me, that's why I feel like I may misunderstanding you somehow.
  4. Left/right of center? Center of what exactly? Sorry, I don't follow..
  5. I'm just unsure if something's wrong or if this is just how it is?
  6. Yeah it's set to "at curser" in Mouse Wheel Zoom options and the clips still don't stay put whether I'm zooming out in the now time or the curser.. as soon as I start zooming I have to chase the clip down no matter what and the curser is just left hanging there as the clip takes off. Does no one else have this problem?
  7. So this has always been the case for me in Cakewalk since way back and well today I've had enough lol. When you want to do surgical editing to a certain part in a clip and you put your curser on it to zoom out so that you can surgically cut it there, the clip won't stay put, it takes off to the right or left as you continue zooming and won't focus and remain in place where you have the curser.. I mean why? I don't need a dedicated wave editor just to have that that one little feature I would think would be necessary, do I? Is there a way to make the clip remain in place where I have my cursor on it when zooming? There has to be..
  8. What does aliasing sound like? Is it phasey? How does one know if it's happening?
  9. So.. 24/192 it is then? Sike. The community/majority have spoken, and so it'll be 24/44.1 for me as well, for now. I mean if it's good for you guys, right?
  10. Info on this is everywhere, but aside from the 24 bit depth we should be using, I'd like to know what sample rate YOU guys are recording at these days. I know Sweetwater says they record at 96k because it's safe and at some point I'll probably do the same. But my ultimate goal at this time is to upload music to YouTube, and YouTube will always dither everything down to 44.1k as will a CD. I've been doing 24/48 lately, but I'm wondering if maybe I should just go back down to 44.1k after all since that's how it will ultimately end up anyway, and I don't know that I'm gaining any real advantage using 48 over 44.1 and I don't think I'm ready to do 96k just yet - maybe after my next build. What do you guys do?
  11. Yeah normally I'd be and am content with letting Cakewalk name the file(s) however it wants to. But lately I've been using the daw the sample a keyboard and after editing and bouncing the samples and cleaning the audio file folder of unneeded files so that I just have my cleaned samples.. maybe I'm a bit ocd but in that instance I was really wanting my wav files - which were no longer associated with a daw at this point - to not have all those naming extensions and just be neater. I'd just rather have the file named "Bb5 Quadra.wav" and not "Bb5 Quadra (Bounded 1932).wav" and yeah it was a pita renaming them manually and next time I'll just live with it I guess 😔
  12. I'm trying to figure out how to change the scheme by which Cakewalk names audio files, so as to do away with all that extra info Cakewalk adds to the name. Usually Cakewalk will name the audio file on a track the same name as the track itself, but then it adds stuff like "bounced 1022" or whatever and sometimes other additional stuff. So if I name a bass track "Bass Guitar" Cakewalk will name the audio file something like "Bass Track (Bounced 982)." I know why Cakewalk does it, and that may be useful to some people, but that's info I don't always need/want and I'd like a cleaner audio file name and for it to be named exactly what I named it without any extra characters, words or info. Any way to do that in Cakewalk (other than manually going into the folder and renaming them)?
  13. TheSteven, wanna trade? Lol I've had the box sitting out in my living room for a week+ now and I just can't bring myself to sell it lol. Maybe for one of those take it or leave it prices.
  14. Hi guys, csnack/Christian Jones from old forum. So I have an Akai S3000xl in 9/10 condition that I keep in an lcd TV box in my closet for many years now. Thing is w/ Kontakt and everything I'll likely never use it again, and it doesn't really have that lofi character like the MPC60 et al, but it *was* Akai's top of the line when it came out fwiw. But I don't know that it will ever gain "classic" status like maybe even the MPC2000xl. Is there any point to holding on to it? Will it appreciate or will/does just no one care about it? I have an old Korg Z1 I'll never part with and at one time I said the same about this Akai, but really the thing is big and just taking up space and I'd like some other gear. I can maybe get $250-270 for it on CL here in Seattle (no ebay/PayPal fees or shipping). Funny, I asked this same question maybe 10 years ago on the old Tweakheadz forum (rip Rich) and Rich replied and said he didn't think it'd have any real appreciable value. Honestly I've been holding on to it for the sake of having a piece of gear from back in the day..
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