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Christian Jones

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Posts posted by Christian Jones

  1. 2 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

    Is that a deal going on right now?

    I don't need any of this stuff, I already have much more stuff than I'll ever use -- but come on, isn't that true for all of us regulars here??? -- but I grew up the son of a musician and music teacher and took organ lessons (as well as piano and drum lessons) and we had a Leslie and I loved the sound and I still love the sound to this day. 

    Let's buy it anyway Peter. Nothing wrong with collecting more of your favorite stuff. This is one of my favorite type of effects and I'm sure I too have something somewhere that already does it, but. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, dubdisciple said:

    I might go that route since Natan ignores my emails

    That's pretty much why PayPal will refund you if it comes to that. You launch a dispute real quick, and the guy probably won't respond to PayPal's emails either as they try to settle it on your behalf. Then PayPal decides in your favor by default and refunds you. I think I've had to do that twice now as a last resort. Most people don't know they can do that. They think it's software and thus non-refundable, but I don't see it that way if I'm getting the silent treatment lol 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 6 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

    Hi Christian. I hope you're well. 

    I like the library,  but like anything it's really subjective. The sounds are very 80s-ish. If you search on "karanyi polycsape" on YouTube there are some videos where people play patches, so I'd strongly recommend checking that out before you purchase the library. 

    Hey man. Yeah I'm pretty covered w/ all the Synth Magic synths I have as those are hard to beat for the 80s soundtrack vibe. 

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  4. I hooked up on a mistake Lars found once. I believe it was from Musician's Friend, and I don't recall what it was though I remember that I didn't need it but was compelled to capitilize. Actually I think Lars found a Melodyne mistake deal that I got too

    • Like 2
  5. I was reading about it here https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=561272&sid=d1145790c1e2c775debda1965dc6a2b7&start=255

    Just skip to page 17/18. Some say it crashed in their setup and others have no problems at all. I bought it for the $9.99 yesterday though I won't be able to use it for a few weeks when I'm back in the studio. I paid through PayPal. If the plug doesn't work for me I'll ask for a refund or tech support from the dev. If I get none of those things I'll just get a refund through PayPal. Won't be the first time I had to do that w/ a dev who left me hanging, so I'm not too worried. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. https://synthmagic.com/free-stuff/

    He used to have several free synths and they were just as good or better than many paid synths. I guess right now there's just that Cassette Deck Hammond Extravoice which I haven't tried yet, but this is probably the one developer where I would buy Kontakt if I didn't have it just to use his synths, so I'm sure it's awesome. He's about that 70's/80's movie theater thriller analog synth soundtrack vibe and he's a fantastic preset creator, which is great for me as I'm not into sound design so I like to get my sounds, tweak a bit and go. But his paid synths aren't too much either, I'm sure they'll be a Christmas sale. You might be able to find the other free Synth Magic synths on Kontakt Hub. Yeah you need Kontakt to use his stuff. 

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  7. No one--including me tbh--cares about what plugins I bought, but I got a great deal on a thick NY strip steak which I brought home and made the perfect medium rare steak. I seasoned it perfectly, too, since I finally put down the pre-made steak seasonings and just went w/ course kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. I got the perfect sear and it was the best steak I've made. I also finally found the perfect percale queen flat sheet after trying several very expensive flat sheets that were not up to my standard but should have been at over $100 for a sheet. Percale is hard to come by as everything is sateen these days, but Amazon's own house brand hooked up a great queen percale sheet for $23. And I got a food saver, a nice one but you shoulda seen that steak. 

    • Like 3
    • Haha 4
  8. I ended up buying one thing unexpectedly during all this and that was the Ujam Mellow 2 upright bass the other day. I had no intention of buying an upright bass as I already bought Orange Tree's Bass Pear a few weeks ago or whenever that was, and I bought Bass Pear because it can be tuned to drop D which will give me a proper Eb w/o having to detune Kontakt and play an Eb on the E key 🙄 and so on. I read in some review somewhere real quick that the Ujam upright bass can also be tuned to drop d and that's a missing feature in a lot of upright bass libraries (such as Straight Ahead Bass). And the Ujam Mellow 2 was $39 for a 24 hour flash sale and there was no clock I could see so I had no idea at what point I was in that sale when I found it, plus it was $39 and Mellow was well regarded when I was researching the best upright bass libraries a few months ago, so I bought it. Other places have/had it for $64 (50% off sale) and it's normally $129 I think, so I got a good deal there on something I need but didn't plan on. So between Mellow and Bass Pear I have two upright libraries now that will let me properly detune the instrument so I'm set now for uprights, which I run through amp sims and big muffs. Bass Pear was super cheap too back then. So while I technically got sucked in w/ Mellow I made out very well in the end. 

    • Like 3
  9. 4 minutes ago, abacab said:

    Mellotron? Naw, but it's a smooth double bass, LOL!

    Lol yeah though I didn't buy it thinking it was a mellotron.. I had already sorted that out then I bought it. Cuz I could use an upright bass that will give me legit low Eb. 

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Grem said:

    I think you might be right about this.

    And after looking at a lot of "so called BF Sales" that were really just the same ole BS sales they been doing, ujam has got my attention and may get my money. Some of it anyway!!

    D/L Solid now to try out.

    Yeah 20% off stuff filling my email box and I ended up unsubscribing from most of it. I don't need those emails anyway amirite 

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  11. 18 minutes ago, abacab said:

    No idea, but I wouldn't wait too long! I just noticed them when I was looking at their other regular Black Friday sales today...

    Ujam does run periodic sales, but this is the first time I believe I have seen these flash sales...

    Don't matter now as I've since bought it. I thought this was a mellotron at first because of the name.

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