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Broken Moon

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Posts posted by Broken Moon

  1. 23 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

    I have close to 1500 plugins and there is no issue. I think what you are trying to say is that you want the delay before the submenu auto opens to be shorter. 
    This can be done but the reason for the delay in the first place is to allow quickly scrolling through a menu. If it tried to open every sub menu immediately it is very flickery and slower as well on systems that have a lot of plugins. We'll see if the delay can be reduced a little. @Ben Staton may have some tips on this.

    That would be nice I guess. But, I was more trying to say that maybe clicking something should open it right away, like clicking a button. I understand if that's not possible though (^^;

    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Colin Nicholls said:

    FYI, on my system I honestly can't tell the difference in behavior between the two different menu styles. They both seem pretty snappy and self-revealing to me. How many plug-ins do you have installed? I have ~250

    I would guess the same amount more or less (probably less)

    Though I've gone through the motions enough that I've been able to click through and navigate the old menu pretty quick and the instant response it had was a very neat thing to have. That speed I developed is now basically useless since I now have to hover for the submenus to open up because clicking doesn't seem to do anything (for me at least, no idea about you guys).

    It might just be me though since my main input method is a drawing tablet?

  3. 2 minutes ago, TheSteven said:

    Click on one of the instrument submenus and see if it opens, then try your scrolling again, but slower than what being shown in the video clip as you're scrolling too fast for a menu with dynamic content to refresh.

    It does show when I keep my cursor there for a good second, but clicking doesn't make it go faster like it does in the second gif. And I was definitely clicking very fast in both gifs. Which is the point I'm making.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

    @Broken Moon I don't follow there should be no obvious change in that area. Are you sure that you are seeing a difference? Can you describe it better or post a video of what you are seeing?

    Ah, I guess it's a little hard to describe by words. Though I don't have a means to record, I am certain that I could feel a difference in speed. Most dropdowns allow you to click on nested options to open them faster, but that feature is noticeably absent on the new menu.

    It's this one just to be clear:

  5. Hi, I've just recently acquired the recent early access update, and I do have to say it looks pretty neat. One thing I have an issue with though is with the new Plug-in Menu; the old one had worked pretty well so far, and it is understandable that it does need improving. However, one QoL thing that didn't get integrated with the new menu is that I can't just click on the categories to display their options, basically forcing me to wait about a full second just to grab a plugin from it, let alone attempting to search for one that you're sure you've seen before somewhere.

    It is a very welcome change, of course, but this new menu could use this feature from the old menus (which still exist for other options too).

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