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  1. Thought of an idea that many others may think could be interesting and helpful within the Cakewalk DAW. The ability to throw in comments at either the session , track and\or clip level... or possibly inserted at certain times of the session. For example when tracking or mixing you could right click a clip and create a comment about it. It could be some notes you took when listening to the track in regards to what you used to record it, maybe elaborating on something you want to add to this track (composition-wise or whatever comes to mind!). Then you can view you comments and iterate through them and either leave them there or close them out if you've solved an issue you took notes on. Particularly when mixing this may be helpful to mark things up as you are listening, then go back and deal with those things you commented on inside the track\clip. If they were time-stamped comments, having them dump to a txt file would be real neat. This would possibly increase the efficiency of creating and improving recorded or mix material instead of decoupling it with your own manual process of notating your sessions.
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