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Posts posted by Kirby

  1. 21 hours ago, JoseC said:

    All the global buttons (Latch, Loop, Retrigger..) are midi learnable. Right click on them. Do notice also that in Cakewalk, "scenes" would be columns, not rows. Their header buttons are also learnable.

    I see that the global retrigger is learnable, but I’m looking for a way to either override global retrigger on a case-by-case basis (so I can rapidly retrigger samples, but press a scene button of a playing scene to stop all clips currently playing in the scene) or a way to stop an entire specific scene from playing (say, pressing an empty cell in the same scene). Any suggestions?

  2. 4 hours ago, JoseC said:

    I would say you can. Right click in a cell and you can unfollow global and set specific trigger conditions for that cell.

    I’m looking at the right click menu, I only see the relevant options “one-shot trigger” and “trigger resolution”. I’m on version 2020.11 if it helps. Is it maybe a custom scripted feature that I can add?

    edit: the trigger resolution menu does have a ‘follow global’ feature, but that’s for the time that a button press will snap to, and not the Global Latch setting. 

    Edit 2: I’m an idiot, I see the tiny buttons on the audio clip that override Global Latch and Global Loop! Is there any way to override the retrigger mode as well? Or can I set a midi learn code somewhere to stop a row that’s playing?



  3. Hi everyone,

    I'm using Matrix View with a Launchpad Mini MK2, and I want to trigger rows like I'd trigger a scene in Ableton, but still have freedom with my sample layouts lower down on the pad. To do this, I'd like retrigger mode to be disabled (and Global Latch to be enabled) for certain cells and stop a playing cell on re-activation (so I can turn on and off my loops at will), but have retrigger mode enabled on other cells (say, the lower half of the pad) for my samples so I can 'stutter' them, if that makes any sense. Is this possible? Thanks!

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