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Status Updates posted by NokNod

  1. Don't forget to do your burpees today 😁🥵

  2. This Drum Sampler VST is dope boia boia 😁


  3. If Im making beats in 1992, and I work at burger king making 4.25 an hour, while trying to save  at least a grand for a Akai MPC2000XL I probably saved until I got enough for the base model ....stereo output/no effects card, so I would buy the MPC as soon as i could and save up for the 8 IO extension card later, that means If I got studio time, we working with a stereo output,..... tracking 2 channels at a time. That means multiple multiple takes for each drum channel, that also means more attention to detail.   


    My conclusion.....limitations force more attention to detail, more creativity, better outcome.


    I don't know...just a thought

  4. 37.4316° N, 78.6569° W

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