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Everything posted by NokNod

  1. NokNod

    I'm Back

    is Carlton a Jazz artist, if so I will be looking for more possible sample material from him. This was a Spyro gyra sample
  2. Using the step sequencer with 3rd party VST drum sampler, but the midi notes are actually 2 octaves higher on the steps sequencer than the note numbers on my drum plugin, is this something I can fix in my cakewalk preferences ?
  3. select notes you want to Quantize then go to the [edit] menu and select [quantize] or use the keyboard shortcut [Q]
  4. NokNod

    I'm Back

    πŸ˜„I know I still need work on my arrangement skills
  5. and Windows 98 with DirectX and the old wave profiler😡
  6. My first midi rig circa 1998
  7. NokNod


    Thanks < that vinyl sound is loud
  8. guess that means im in the right location πŸ˜ƒ
  9. NokNod


    I purchased the separate Sonitus Suite years ago. never knew the DX version was 64bit...cool
  10. The Midi implementation and the Console view compared to say FL Studio or Ableton, but thats not neccesarilly bad....Im old school, approaching 50 Fast. So Old feels very familiar to someone like me
  11. NokNod


    A 64bit version of Sonitus Suite would be good as opposed to having the 32bit plugs bridged
  12. Cakewalk feels old school and somewhat clunky this forces me to be process minded.... ironically, the end result sounds better.. go figure
  13. are there any plans to convert Cakewalk's DX or 32 bit VST plugins to 64 bit VST format
  14. Will Cakewalk continue to support those of us stuck with Win 10
  15. Although I have had some version of Cakewalk (Home Studio 4-7, Sonar X3, X1, ....It has only been recent (this year) that I have finished an entire song with cakewalk. The bugs always got the best of me. I saw the potential and really wanted the DAW to work. These latest updates have made cakewalk stable...and the sound of the ProChannel is warm analog goodness πŸ‘
  16. These latest updates have improved Cakewalk exponentially, Thanks !
  17. If you like to use the free drum sampler Poise, and you would like this skin I created, let me know and I will post it in the forum...
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