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Johan Bryntesson

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Everything posted by Johan Bryntesson

  1. Hi! I usually control drums with a Millenium digital kit via MIDI. But since the last update, the kit is not recognized by Cakewalk anymore. It pops up in the MIDI devices as "e-drum" as usual, and if I hotplug/unplug it, those events will be recognized with the usual alerts. But no note data appears, I cannot record. All settings in the EZ Drummer plugin are as they should, and have been. The standalone EZ Drummer app works fine, proving that the problem is not the kit, the cable or the MIDI port. Will try to downgrade, but could there be some explanation to this? EDIT: Now I see other people have had problem recording external MIDI too. Some fix ahead, hopefully. Apart from this, thank you for a program that is a delight to use! Regards, Johan Bryntesson
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