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Jesse Screed

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Everything posted by Jesse Screed

  1. I should have been more specific. I would not be sending signals. I will only be needing power for the laptop, speakers, focusrite solo, and midi keyboard. I want to be able to "compose" outside under the trees. Thanks for the advice Outrage! Thanks Tim, I had seen those specs online, but wanted to make sure I was being accurate. I appreciate your verifying that I should be OK.
  2. Let's say I want to run an extension cord for my laptop, midi keyboard, and computer speakers and let's say I need to run it for 100 feet from the outlet what is the cord I need, and is there a line conditioner or something I need so I don't ***** this up? Thanks in advance
  3. I feel like I'm on Sunset Boulevard, heading north, on a road trip to nowhere only thing I can say is push it the top is closer than you think!
  4. light is tender at the dawn, and the dusk it just flows out of you it does right?
  5. whenever an artist slangs the real thang it is good don't do anything except maybe thank your lucky stars you found harmony and her smile
  6. work it out if you are tied to her elst kick her to the curb and walk alone there's plenty to be had
  7. There is reality and then there is Freddy an amalgam of the dark and the light dude knows where to go
  8. I love the rain and I love your foray's don't ever stop what you are doing I need the inspiration
  9. I have not heard a rendition of this for long now I can't remember when she sure is a good one Thank you so much
  10. so see' I had posted a response earlier but for some reason it did not stick what I said was, it sound like your hands, your ears, and your imagination are having a cup of tea together
  11. Still my touchstone trying to figure out how you found that hello
  12. there is no harm in putting the hammer down you always shake the rafters and aim straight dang dang
  13. at first it sounded like you were a bit hesitant but then you stepped into yourself nobody will hear the truth until you express it
  14. some say the universe is 14 billion years old in human years it is only 16 so a 20 year old composition is coming from way back you keep going back and before you know it you will catch yourself!!! this good!
  15. Would you go there again? Would you do it again?
  16. https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandID=1389225
  17. Abbey Road II Boom, outta here!
  18. actually yes, except for the drum, in this instance the drum was only a canvas my problem, not being proficient enough to accurately play what I write. Ima keep working on it though thanks jack c, you love music, and life: don't you jack?
  19. Just get more physical scan your plugin tweak your plugin then let us know Aloha🤪
  20. Is this one of those regional humor things?
  21. Who said anything about hitting anybody?🤕 I just said you can get physical. I know you already have an SO, but I've heard about you Euros, so anyway😁
  22. When the pot calls the kettle black.🤣 No, it's not. It's kind of like an online sub forum. Generally a coffee house is considered a brick and mortar place where you go to drink coffee with friends, or alone. Here, you don't really know who you are visiting with. To be honest though, often when I go to a coffee house I end up talking to myself anyway, which is kind of like this forum. Never take anything to seriously, but if you become outraged, then they have you by the noidals. In a real coffee shop you could get physical with someone. It is very much like a real coffee house in that if you don't like it you can always leave and go to another place you like better. Also, here they don't sell cakes, so it costs you nothing, and if the coffee is cold, you are out nothing. Just don't say you are in heaven.
  23. I'm getting on my trainer and will be watching this as I work out my ANGST!!! These first world problems are kicking my *** (donkey)
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