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Posts posted by jbraner

  1. Hi,

    I've got a new song out. It's called "Recalibration" - you can check it
    out here:

    It's a little laid back, and more synth oriented - and features a couple of new (for me ) synths.

    some Kontakt stuff
    MODO Bass
    and me playing guitar πŸ˜‰

    Please feel free to send me some feedback πŸ˜‰

    Don't forget - CDs (including my newest one "Pull the Other One")
    are also available at https://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JohnBraner
    and all the normal streaming services.

    • Like 2
  2. Hi Lynn and Allan - and thanksΒ  a lot for listening.

    Sorry for the late reply, but I've been away in a place where you don't get much signal - so nicely out of touch with the rest of the world! ;)

    Thanks for the kind words - maybe some day I'll meet a singer/collaborator to work with - but I think these songs are much more "can be whatever you want them to be" without lyrics ;) especially the awake/asleep related stuff...

  3. Hi Tom,

    First - Thanks a lot for listening to my stuff - and for your comments.

    I'll try to reply to some of your comments.

    First of all - I've anguished over the low end on these. In the end, I tried to get them "right" on my system - but it wasn't easy (they sound a little different every day) and I really don't know how they translate to different types of playback setups. Also - making them in to MP3 doesn't help.



    I'm hearing some cool digital track distortions as the ending fade out - hope they were planned, 'cause I dig it!

    Yeah - that's definitely supposed to be there. Just a little "Time Shaper" plugin to screw around with the pitch, tape stop kind of thing ;)

    Thanks again for taking the time to listen/comment ;)

  4. Hi,
    I've got some new songs out. These 3 songs are part of a collection of three songs - called "3 Piece Suite".

    It consists of:

    1 "Tubes"

    2 "Your Mileage May Vary"

    3 "Perchance to Dream"

    They're meant to be played together (with no pause in between) but I know most people like to stream/play individual songs these days. I have uploaded the entire "Three Piece Suite" if you want to hear the whole thing together and have a spare 16 minutes πŸ˜‰

    "Three Piece Suite"
    https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=13871078 Β 

    I got some of the ideas for these in the middle of the night, so they kind of slip between dreaming and being awake.
    They're not for everybody's taste - but maybe somebody will like them πŸ˜‰

    Feel free to let me know what you think.

    They feature the usual characters:
    Superior 3 drums
    MODO Bass
    lots of Kontakt stuff
    plus my real guitars through S-Gear or Mercuriall amp sims and Torpedo WOS speaker sims.

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