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Damian Sutherland

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  1. OK, so It's fixed with help from the support@cakewalk.com folks, a nice guy named Kris. I did a clean reinstall, which necessitated messing with regedit. The link support sent me to for that was here: https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab?source=search&auth_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjo3MDk1NzEsInVzZXJfaWQiOjkwMDc5MTYzODM4MywidGlja2V0X2lkIjo0MTQ1NzgsImNoYW5uZWxfaWQiOjYzLCJ0eXBlIjoiU0VBUkNIIiwiZXhwIjoxNjAyNTgyMTg4fQ.ywXRVW5ZIiIcRbrRgrozrEmNCIdyAVNyZoCIbxWOppo That fixed the issue.
  2. Today I'm learning a bunch of things i _was_ using the bundle feature. Now, I'll be saving to another location. Thanks again.
  3. Cheers, I'm bundling everything up as a back up ready for a reinstall - wish me luck
  4. This message pops up lower right when I get to the cakewalk start screen. Clicking the click here goes to a generic knowledge base, but nothing helpful
  5. Oh yeah I got that (and clicked OK but when it when it went into Cakewalk there was a blue message lower right. I'll try and get that again.
  6. I got a database error message from the CTRL key start up. That sounds pretty bad. If I uninstall and reinstall, it won't remove my project folders will it? I have a lot of current work in those that I can't lose.
  7. Hi Scook, thanks for the reply. There are no failed plugins. But looking at soomething you said in the thread you linked, I think in the preferences tyhe scan button shouldn't be greyed out?
  8. Hi all, I'm probably doing a very basic thing incorrectly. I've tried to add a couple of VST plugins to Cakewalk and it doesn't seem to recognise them. Mainly what I need is a spectrographic analyser, so I installed Voxengo, and made sure that the VST scan path for it is in the preferences (see pic) (It's installed in \cakewalk\vstplugins\voxengo so I am assuming that the scan for \cakewalk\plugins will pick it up. But it doesn't show up in the AudioFX (or anywhere else I've looked) Any clues / any help please? Thanks.
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