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Lynn Wilson

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Posts posted by Lynn Wilson

  1. As I said in another post, you are a versatile songwriter, and this tune shows you are a songwriter for all seasons.  This is a seriously cool song!  Encore!!

    • Like 1
  2. Fascinating!  Thanks for your detailed answer, Rex!  I'll be watching your videos when I can get to them, I've already bookmarked the site.  I, too, master from the get-go.  I thing that's the way of the world these days.  Take care and keep up the good work!

    • Like 1
  3. I love the pulsating beat and cool vocal f/x of this song!  At first, I thought that all but the bass and lead vocal should come up to support those parts, but I realized that the whole song could come up in the mastering process, as it seems low on my monitors.  That being said, I really like the crazy vibe of this song, and the fact that this is a little out-of-the-box in nature.  I'll be listening for more!

  4. Great tune, David!  It seems that you have a handle on the few issues in this song, so let me just compliment you on everything else.  This arrangement can stand on its own because your vocal and melody carry this.  Can't wait to hear more.

  5. I agree that you have one of the best voices going, and you know how to write a song that lets your vocal shine!  I've heard you do songs in other genres so I know how versatile you are.  I love the photo of you with all that classic analogue gear, but I have a question - what is your recording chain these days?  Your vocals are so consistent that I imagine you could sing through anything and sound great, but you do know how to engineer and produce.

    • Like 1
  6. This is a very chill song with a sophisticated melody and a beautiful vocal to pull it off.  I really like the scale or mode that you used because it is unexpected, and I like that in a song.  I like everything you've put up, so keep it up!

    • Thanks 1
  7. This is one of the best instrumentals I've heard in a long time!  You're the equivalent of a chess master, at this point.  Congrats, Bjorn!!

    • Thanks 1
  8. Nice one, Steve!

    Having played in cover bands for years, I've gone in both directions, the faithful reproduction, and rearranging a song to put my own spin on it.  I like either way of doing a cover, just as long as it has soul.  Sometimes one can do a faithful reproduction and still own the song.  This version of Daniel made me nostalgic, for some reason, therefor it resonates with me.  I do agree that a little more beef on your vocal wouldn't hurt, but this is a winner for me.

    • Like 1
  9. There's a lot to like about this song.  The mix weaves cool textures with interesting melodies and chord changes.  You made very good use of the SI drums which gives this song a nice groove all the way through.  The guitar and harmonica tracks are just right.  The only thing that stands out to me is that the mix is quite warm; to use a cooking analogy, the sauce is very buttery.  A db or two boost around 10k may or may not enhance this.  Still, it is good as is!

    • Thanks 1
  10. Keith, great songwriting!  The words are clever and well sung, and the chord progression and melody are amazing.  You performed it very well and convincingly.  As you've noted the reverb issue, I'll say no more except, keep it up.

    • Thanks 1
  11. You have a terrific song, a great vocalist, a warm, clear, and expansive mix - this is the kind of song that I would use as a reference track - it definitely needs work ( I  hope my tongue doesn't come through my cheek)!

    • Thanks 1
  12. This has the makings of an epic song!  I listened to the prior version a few days ago, then listened to today's version, and you have done well on the remix.  You use dynamics in a way that grabs one's attention.  That highlights your terrific vocals and guitar playing, making them stand out.  Truly professional, Dean!

    • Like 1
  13. Mark, this is fabulous!  I've heard this song for years, but never so soulful.  You have shown that your singing is as masterful as your guitar playing.  As for the mix, you have better ears than I do, so I trust that you'll end up where you need to be.

    • Like 1
  14. On 5/16/2023 at 3:33 PM, markno999 said:


    Nice job on the remix,  the drums pop through better in this version and everything sounds well balanced.     Really a fan of this song, terrific work.


    I had someone with very good ears watching over me :)


    5 hours ago, freddy j said:

    Wow!!!!!  This is really excellent.  I love the way that you have been reaching out and trying different techniques.  Your vocals really stand out and and carry the excellent lyrics very well.  The various instrumentation and Fx give this a very tripy  feel.  This is an excellent collaboration and the mix sounds great to me.  Great work!!

    Thank you, Fred!  This song was so much for to work on, and very educational for me.  I keep discovering things by accident, and they end up in my songs ;)  I changed mics for this song, using my old AT-4033, which suits my voice better than what I'd been using lately, I think.  Always good to hear from you!

  15. 12 hours ago, jwnicholson78 said:

    I enjoyed that.


    Thank you, Jeff!  I appreciate your comment.


    7 hours ago, Paul Bush said:

    Hi , I really like all the changes always keeps the listener on his toes , yeah intresting song what I would call an album track ..nice one ..

    Hey Paul, thanks for your kind words!  You may be right about this being an album track;  I guess I'll have to give this song some company.

    • Like 1
  16. 16 hours ago, FreeEarCandy said:

    Hello Lynn. I hope all is well! I suppose what I'm picking up on is the key work follows loosely. It tends to grab my attention away from what I consider the main course-Vocals bass and drums. While the key work follows along in a fundamental sense,  the keys seem to be expressing a different energy than that of the main course.  Consequentially some of the transitions come across awkward as the song progresses. In particular after 3:40 it seems things are all momentarily moving in somewhat different directions., thus lacking more of a complimentary contribution.  

    The vocals have only minor issues. Sibilance issues here and there. Also they tend to get too loud in spots. I think this is due to the volume dynamics of the underlaying tracks. I think the loudness wars have ruined our appreciation for soft moments. In the huge array of sound colors in our libraries silence is just as important as all the rest, and in my opinion the least utilized.  I often bring things down just before an explosive moment in order to give the explosion more impact.

    The bottom line here is music is a very subjective affair, so take what I say with a grain of salt.  Most of what I am pointing out would help me more than perhaps you.  In the end its your tune and it should sound the way you want it to.  My opinion is self serving, but I'm happy to share it with you if you are looking for ideas via feedback.

    Dean, I'm impressed by your detailed response and the time you took to delve into this song!  It's obvious  that we're having two different visions of this song, and that is not uncommon in art.  I have to admit that I don't hear all these issues that you hear, but that's OK.  I'll keep these points in the back of my mind either in future revisions or a future song.  Every little bit of information counts :)

    • Like 1
  17. 23 hours ago, batsbrew said:

    cool tune! i dig the whole thing, but have a couple of suggestions on the mix...


    vox too hot. needs to sit back in the mix a bit, it's just a bit caberet


    drums too weak, the kick almost disappears.


    other than that, i dig it!

    reminds me a little bit of hendrix's 'merman' tune.

    got that spacy otherworld

    Rob, you have very good ears!  I agree that the drums could use some help and will do so.  As for the vocal, I was going for cabernet, not caberet ;)  I may have to drink a little more wine to mix this...

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