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Jim Kelly

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Posts posted by Jim Kelly

  1. Hey folks,

    I've had version of Cakewalk since about 1999.  So 20 years.

    One feature that I can't find is a feature that exists when watching videos on YouTube.

    Watching a video on YouTube, once you click on the video itself (to put the browser's "focus" on the video) you can use the "back arrow" on your PC keyboard to rewind 5 seconds.

    The video doesn't stop it just continues 5 seconds earlier.  And so on if you keep hitting the PC keyboard's "back arrow"

    I use that all of the time when trying to learn songs on YouTube.

    I find myself trying to do that by habit in Cakewalk.

    Does such a feature exist?

    I know hitting the space bar rewinds to where one starting playing the song.  Not talking about that.

    I know there is a way to stop the playing of a song at the current moment Not talking about that.

    I know you can hit hotkeys to go to markers.  Not talking about that.

    I'm looking for the feature to rewind 5 seconds but the song continues to play like in YouTube.

    If the feature does not exist can the fine guru's at BandLab PLEASE add it.

    I think it would be a great "workflow" addition.

    Thanks to all for your consideration to my post.



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