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David Sprouse

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Posts posted by David Sprouse

  1. Bjorn,  your creativity is so Deep and Divers (that's british spelling...divers).    Do you do any other of the arts?  Loved this, some of the best I've heard around here.  Great for a sunny morning in Portland.  

  2. Freddy,  great topic and tune.   for the french  ah'p*n*s is a huge topic.  Really liked the bluesy presentation.   I came  close to happiness when I lived down there.  It's one of those elusive things, like love.

  3. I like your style with the sampling or various found sounds and old recordings. etc.  IT's a collage and pastiche.  Maybe you're postmodern :D:D  Have you read Derrida etc?  Fun stuff.  I wish there was a really good SATB library where it's ez to assign words to the various singers.

  4. Loved the lyrics.   Sounds great on my infinity speakers.  I wish I could get my recordings to be as present and loud as you have it here.  the drums sound esp good.  There's only one God, I wish everyone knew that. peace.  DEsire and wish fulfilment always get in the way  (from you-know-who)

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  5. This is brilliant wookie.  The mellotron is so strange.    For some reason it reminds me of eating finger sandwiches and gossiping.

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  6. Landslide You have a nice voice.  I'd adjust pitches in a few places (not alot).  It's a great campfire song, makes me kind of sad.  


    Personal Jesus:  I like your take on it, but gotta agree with Harry C.  you could make it  better by making it rock more, if that's the direction you want to go

  7. On 7/23/2020 at 11:29 AM, freddy j said:

    I agree with Tom above.  This song has a nice balance of mellow and full dramatic sounds working together.  I particularly like that strong bass sound panned left.  I must have been late to the listen because the ocean sounds were gone.

    Nice one David!

    Now I have one with ambient audio. Thanks for listening Freddy.


  8. On 7/24/2020 at 7:53 AM, markno999 said:


    I like what you've done here, a few timing issues here and there but the melodic and harmonic content is really well done.   Arrangement is good.   The only "crit" I would have is I'm not sure the title matches the mood, i.e. while the music has some ominous qualities reminiscent of Jerry Goldsmith, it is still uplifting in many ways.   Maybe more uplifting than not?    Not sure,  in event, I really liked the music., not so much the title.



    Starise is goth!

    • Haha 1
  9. 9 hours ago, noynekker said:

    Hi David . . . I gave it another couple of listens with the ending in mind, and it seems to me near the end where it builds and gets higher pitched, there's an opportunity in the recording to get a fuller sound (ie. more low end frequency - give us some more lower cellos ?)  The very end part sounds like it's intended to be a very quiet fade, I don't find it "strange" for that era. Overall, recording wise, if you could add some more extreme dynamics through the piece it would add a lot for the listening experience.

    So, you've taken a a guitar version of a romantic piano piece, and transcribed it for strings . . . quite the project. Much admiration for that, and I always like what you contribute here.

    I took all this to heart.  It was firing on all cylinders for too long so I got creative with the dynamics of the counterpoint.  It does make it better.  I think you mean the long tutti line at the end needs more bass, totally agree.   Thank you so much for your advice.

  10. On 7/18/2020 at 8:50 PM, noynekker said:

    David . . . hopefully you're sipping some fine Pinot Noir (not that cheap other stuff)  . . . it's a relaxing listen, introspective string piece. I tuned in late here, so I guess I never heard the ocean sounds you mention from an earlier mix . . . it sounds like you were trying to get more ambience or room to this mix, but I don't hear it here, and think it must be a very hard thing to do with just strings . . . ie. hard to know when too much ambience, or not enough  . . . perhaps there is not enough percussiveness in a legato string piece to actually hear it . . . add too much and it would be swimming and distant.  I think what you've done here sounds great on my speakers.

    Noynekker, thanks for the objective listen.  I think I need to redo parts of the beginning, but there are some goodies towards the end of the recording for sure.  What did you think of the ending?  It's kind of strange.

  11. 8 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

    Could this also be a soundtrack to Bjorn's Dracula movie???  :)

    I like your piece, it has a mellow yet dramatic vibe. I agree, for me I'd have some longer reverb tails and a bigger space on particularly the higher pitched elements. The lower register is nice as it is I'd say as far as a sense of space goes.

    Good one!!!




    Ha, tom i listened it with new ears today and your right...it's like addam's family at the beach. :D:D

  12. On 7/15/2020 at 5:01 PM, DeeringAmps said:

    I agree, maybe a bit more ambiance or perhaps some stereo widening, or not...


    I ended up taking out the waves sounds.  I try to get more ambience  but I'm just not good enough at mixing yet.  This  piece isn't going to win any awards, but I really like the original so tackled it.  Now I'm going to have two sips of wine to see if the spirits comply.

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