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Everything posted by smde

  1. Did you get the quote? How much cheaper?
  2. Same here. I think because order is stuck at status payment accepted! Order processing is not yet complete.
  3. Have they changed the price? I see it for 499$
  4. Falcon 3 is now available in UVI portal! It is a free update!
  5. you seems to be spot on 😁 https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/k14_bundle.html
  6. smde

    Reaper updated to 6.80

    A nice update. Now all of Mac App Store AU3 plugins work fine!
  7. Thanks. I thought Orange Tree Samples but that didn’t match with the sale.
  8. I was planning to upgrade to the collector’s edition but missing PA vouchers fiasco seems to have dampened my enthusiasm. I hope they fix it soon.
  9. these are still listed at https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-14-collectors-edition/compare/ Vouchers not being assigned might be some bug in their system?
  10. Anyone got 5.4 bundle? Can you please check if 5.4 bundle license supports iLok cloud?
  11. I have noticed in the past their promotions disappear at 3 a.m. ET.
  12. I think I am gonna sit this one out and wait for their BX Mastering DAW!
  13. My main DAW is logic. If this happens I would refuse to pay sub and move to studio one.
  14. Is this normal or a bug or another knee width slider needed for this end of the curve?
  15. what do you think about the Metering Bundle?
  16. Thanks. At this point I find myself incapable of answering that question rationally.
  17. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/pa-releases-2023-bundle.html Upcoming Releases: BX Mastering DAW
  18. I have the same question. Beside that I already got free entropyEQ, recent smart reverb from PA sale, and focusrite fast bundle. What is crazy that I have barely used any of these. I have all of the latest software from izotope and use that most of the time. I am sitting on the fence trying to justify myself why I need studio bundle.
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