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telecode 101

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Posts posted by telecode 101

  1. 13 hours ago, Esteban Villanova said:

    Long live the Reaps!

    Is it stable? I am still on a lookout for a new daw to replace Cubase. I use lots of midi and multi timbral VSTs

  2. 41 minutes ago, MrFigg said:

    Here's the FAQ regarding X pricing which they apparently added for me (that's what they said in their email anyway)


    i think in the case of Arturia. They are changing with the times.


    The problem with this is you are comparing Arturia to historically what Arturia  have done in the past. You are not comparing Arturia  collection to what other companies  in the same market space are doing and how they are pricing their product(s) collections. In my case its a $299 upgrade offer. So I need to be looking at what other companies like NI, Softube, e.t.c.  are offering in the $299 range. And don't forget, that V Collections bundle has now gotten quite big, and they have re-done many of their most popular synths.

  3. 9 minutes ago, satya said:

    Yea I watched a YouTube video when V3 was released and he said it's better than FORM , so was just curious how do they compare 

    whats better and what i like to use vary. pigments obviously has a lot of features and you can really get into the nitty gritty of it. but i like using the Reaktor instruments b/c a) I like the sound of the presets for what i like to do and b) i like the ease of use and usability of tweaking them. I had those reaktor instruments in my DAW for a long time and didn't spend much time with them until last year when I had time to check out the manuals. Kontour is my fav and most used. Form I like. Rounds turned out to be the most versatile and interesting to use. you can really get some pretty crazy results out of it. check out the manual.

    the problem with pigments for me is it seems like a sound designers tool and i am not yet the type that will go in there and go into sound design to get new sounds. i just need to get synth sounds for the song form structured music i work on. i just need to get sounds that aren't easily and readily heard by others. so tweaking presets to make them original to me is my approach. i could i guess do the same in pigments, but pigments just seems to have so many tabs and options and all kinds of things that are a little overwhelming for casual songwriter type like me.  that's why i started to gravitate towards the NI reaktor based instruments.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Doug Rintoul said:

    My upgrade is $299 even with now owning V8. I already own augmented strings and voices so I don't think the upgrade is worth it for me. Even at $99, the upgrade for me would be no different than the crossgrade at $149, since I paid $49 for V8. I am completely satisfied with scoring V8 for $49 and will stick with it for the time being.

    that $99 deal was for BF.  its now over.

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  5. 36 minutes ago, Jeslan said:

    Well, I am not too used to paypal either in this kind of thing, so I decided it was not safe enough for me to actually try to pay them through paypal for real (as I prefer to lose the deal more than risk to lose 50$ or having to fight with paypal to get them back).

    It's really a shame, the deal is a crazy no brainer. It's sad and kind of unfair it's only available for US residents to be honest.

    On the other side, I just saw that during black friday sale I could get a Collection V 9 crossgrade for 149€ from official Arturia website, which is too quite a crazy deal. Sadly I can't even afford right now that amount of money, but it's good to know eventually it will be possible again in the future to get it for that price luckily when I can finally afford it.

    i was about to get upgrade to V9 for $99.

  6. 39 minutes ago, Carl Ewing said:

    Paypal follows the same region blocking as credit cards. I don't think you can even get a Paypal account in Canada / US without address verification, which would allow ProStar to block your payment as they'd get the country info.

    yeah. i believe that was the issue. this store only accepts orders from US. I am in Canada. It would allow the Paypal order to  go through but then block it back at the website due to billing address.

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