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Mike Kelleher

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  1. I'm a very happy, long time Cakewalk user. In the last several years, I've scored many films using Cakewalk and it works perfectly for me. One feature that would be very helpful would be to be able to export the list of markers in a project. Often, when I'm assembling the score for a director, she/he will give me guidelines, but I'll sometimes start/stop cues at different SMPTE markers than their original notes. Once the project is complete, it would be useful to be able to export the list of markers (in a text format) so that they can use them with their editor to ensure the cues line up where they're supposed to be. This would also allow for the director to add notes to my markers if it were in a text format that they could send back to me or on to others. Thanks very much for all your hard work!
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