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Chris Kettlewell

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Posts posted by Chris Kettlewell

  1. I tried setting up a brand new one in Cakewalk by Bandlab completely from scratch, added some drum tracks in and then recorded some guitar over it.  When I then listened back to it, the whole thing sounded horrible, it was a bit distorted, but mostly it had clearly recorded with significant latency, the guitar was way out of time with the drums.  I saved that, opened in Sonar Artist, and could record the guitar fine and it sounded good.

    So I flicked back and forth between the two checking out all the settings and things and I finally figured out the difference.  And I'll record it here so if anyone else has any such issues hopefully they can find this.  Sonar Artist had the Driver Mode set to ASIO, but Cakewalk by Bandlab had it set to one of the WASAPI options (can't remember if it was exclusive or shared).  Anyway, once I changed this it fixed everything.  I could record without the latency, and when I opened the project mentioned in my original question it played fine without the issues.

    Glad I wasn't just setting up Cakewalk by Bandlab without the reference of Sonar Studio, as I can't imagine I would have had any thought that I needed to switch from WASAPI to ASIO.

  2. Because of some glitches coming up in my Sonar Artist, I finally decided to actually give Cakewalk by Bandlab a go.  But I'm in the middle of recording something, and wanted to continue working on that.  It's got a bunch of tracks, all audio tracks, acoustic guitar, drum tracks (using inserted audio from some drum tracks I bought ages ago) along with bass and electric guitar tracks.  However, when I open the same project in Cakewalk by Bandlab, it sounds like it's just playing it slightly slower and as such everything is coming out sounding a bit flat also.  If I open the track in Sonar Artist it sounds pretty good and I'm playing along happily on my guitar working out lead guitar parts.  But then if I open in Cakewalk by Bandlab it is clearly flat, and sounds completely out of tune with my guitar now.

    Is there anything I can do to get this to work properly?  Or is my only option to throw out everything I've done and start from scratch in Cakewalk by Bandlab?

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