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Everything posted by Holger

  1. 1. That's not true 2. It is never helpful to answer a question in a support forum with "read the *****ing manual (rtfm) or, in this case "watch this video" I'm glad that we've found the issue and I am grateful for the help! Just read the thread again, you will see what I mean.
  2. Byron you said "no offense" how about just stick to it? 🤫
  3. Problem solved! 😊 Thanks again for the support!
  4. Me too! I really hope and guess that we've found the problem. Thx again!
  5. Thank you! I really hope that you've found the problem! Shame on me if it is that simple but great to have support! Cheers Holger Will be back tomorrow and let you know if I can make this project audible again with only one simple click! 🙈
  6. I hope that's the answer even if it means I'm a fool 😝 I cannot check it now but will do it tomorrow.
  7. Yes I tried that too. Saw the system making the checks, all was fine. But the project remains to be silent. Changed all back to asio, different drivers, different Hardware, but had no success.
  8. No for all 4 questions. And I cannot record new audio in this project when I add a new track, set it to record and try to record audio. Also, I cannot reproduce this problem when I start a brandnew project. I tried all kind of drivers from WASAPI to ASIO and others and back. Tried different bit deph too. Stayed in 44.1KH mode all the time.
  9. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Check, works fine No, I worked only with audio recording Yup, sample rate, sorry! That's the point that I'll have to check! If I open another project or start a new one all is good. Thank you so much for your help!
  10. Yes Sir. What I need is any idea what could be a reason for a behaviour of Cakewalk that I never saw before. Your video tells nothing about my problem.
  11. In all other programs and cases audio works fine! The problem happens only in Cakewalk itself. I was hoping that I'm not the only one. I will check the tip with different Bit deph ASAP and come back!
  12. That could be a reason! But why is the project silent eben if I switch back to the H4N and his drivers then? Or visa versa?
  13. Thx, but I use Cakewalk since Sonar 5. Believe me I don't need a manual.
  14. It goes to the right audio hardware but there is no signal then. Btw of course have I changed the settings for the audio input and output in Cakewalk!
  15. Hello, since the latest update (the final) of Cakewalk bbl I have a serious issue with audio. When I change the audio interface (and therefore the audio driver) from Zoom H4n Pro to MOTU the whole project is silence. No more audio! I tried to change the project name, saved it under a different name, used the packed project feature, moved the projects to another PC. Nothing helps! I cannot bring the project back to play a single noise. Any ideas? Intel 5 11.Gen Windows 11 16GB Ram
  16. Well, comparison between DAWs can be boring or confusing. Presonus came centuries after sonar with a DAW called Studio one and it was horrible for years. But they where very aggressive marketing that Software. I have tried it several times and can tell you guys that it was unstable and had a lot of bugs. Now, after many years of development it is a decent piece of software that has a few great features but in other fields still don't has the functionality of Cubase or Cakewalk. Try to find dimmed solo, compare Cakewalks recording features with studio one's but don't be surprised or disappointed to miss push in/ out or other things. Also the features are hidden in studio one so you have to search and search... it is a pain in the ***** imo. Studio one don't has lenses, workspaces and many other features that I'm happy to have in Cakewalk since many years or decades. Compare the abilities to render out and the abilities to export! Studio one is far behind in many ways when it comes to workflow and customisation. Don't get fooled by their advertisement and their big mouth 🤣 Sure S1 is getting better and is a decent DAW but still not in a league with the big players, though they think they are. In addition they are getting the exact same problems all the older DAWs suffer from. Old code, stability and compatibility with the older versions. They now learn that. 😜😂
  17. Good folks! PLZ don't misunderstand my point. I don't need new toys and I agree Cakewalk is great. Though There are things that could get an update. Mainly all the things that have to do with Quantisation of audio! I think the way Cakewalk handle it is outdated to hell. Same with chord and key detection, chord track... you name it. 🙂 The World is turning fast and if you look at the small brother of Cakewalk, Bandlab, you will see things like "Splitter", a very nice tool. Btw. I'm a singer/ Songwriter in the line of Tom Petty, Springsteen, classic Rock. I am not an electronic nerd. 😉
  18. Hi, just wondering, is Cakewalk still under development? Are you guys still working on it? It's silent and while normally we would see a new version every 3 months now there is nothing new since 5+ months and no early access.
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