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Posts posted by camarea

  1. Up through ver. 2019.03, I could use Izotope Insight on the buss being rendered to wav in order to visually monitor my integrated LUFS as the export progressed. Then I could quickly make any needed adjustment to my limiter and re-export right away.

    Since ver. 2019.03 however, I get no visible response while exporting. The plugin does display correctly with realtime playback, but auditioning the full length is impractical and I'd prefer not to have to analyze loudness with an external application.

    I'm hoping this function is not wholly outmoded, but thanks to scook I can be content with using 2019.03 for this workflow if necessary. Thank you.


  2.  Up through ver. 2019.03, I could use Izotope Insight on the buss being rendered to wav in order to visually monitor my integrated LUFS as the export progressed. Then I could quickly make any needed adjustment to my limiter and re-export right away.

    Since ver. 2019.03 however, I get no visible response while exporting. The plugin does display correctly with realtime playback, but auditioning the full length is impractical and I'd prefer not to have to analyze loudness with an external application.

    I'm hoping this function is not wholly outmoded, but I will be content to keep using 2019.03 for this workflow if necessary. Thanks, I truly appreciate all that Bandlab, bakers and community have contributed to my benefit over the years.

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