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Milton Sica

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Everything posted by Milton Sica

  1. Good thing we're not talking about cars. I don't know one person in the whole world who would buy an automobile knowing it has a known amount of defects/bugs. That's what I'm talking about. If it were a car, would you buy it and put your life/family in it? And I close my posts on the topic.
  2. New SONAR ???? Older users, we are sure that this is not a NEW SONAR, but an application that has enjoyed all these years when it was sold as free and had the collaboration of the entire user community. What comes around, and I'm testing the early access version, is an attempt to sell something said to be new, but "current" as we know it to be.
  3. Because I think it's a huge mistake in the company's strategy to go for a free-pay movement and an application that, we know, has numerous bugs. The question is quite simple and direct: who will pay for a tire that, at any moment, will present a puncture ???? The least one would expect is that the application delivers everything it promises without errors. You're talking about a "banana" as if nobody knows what's inside the skin. Excuse me, but your corporatism adds nothing to what we, users, want. If we're going to pay for the "banana" we want to know everything inside and how it works.
  4. Because I think it's a huge mistake in the company's strategy to go for a free-pay movement and an application that, we know, has numerous bugs. The question is quite simple and direct: who will pay for a tire that, at any moment, will present a puncture ???? The least one would expect is that the application delivers everything it promises without errors. While it was presented as FREE, we users noticed some bugs, but I don't know of any that pay any dollar to receive errors.
  5. I only showed the end of the wave in both moments. It's pretty easy to play. 1 - Select multiple audio tracks. 2 - Command NORMALIZE. I have normalized at -3 DB. I can't say that this happened in this EA, because I didn't previously normalize my audios. When I started to do it in this version this appeared. It was normalizing 5/6 audio tracks.
  6. CONFIRMED CONFIRMED! When normalizing multiple selected tracks, a random track is out of sync in the project. This does not happen when normalizing track by track. I did it several times and noticed that this always happens on the last track selected. Original track After normalization
  7. I started to notice that after normalizing a set of Audio tracks, some of them are becoming desynchronized in the project and inserting noise at the end. I'm going to try doing the normalization track by track and see if the problem occurs or if it's just in the multitrack normalization process.
  8. @Noel Borthwick I have worked on several projects. I get some crashes on AUTOSAVING, having to end the process in the process manager. In some situations I have observed a slower performance, mainly when using the Ozone 10 mastering assistant, sometimes making the sound crackle and even crashing the audio engine. Something that didn't happen in the previous version.
  9. Yes. In fact now this information is EXPLICIT in the post at my suggestion to @Morten Saether This information was not included in the first post made.
  10. Yes. In fact now this information is EXPLICIT in the post at my suggestion to @Morten Saether. This information was not included in the first post made.
  11. @Morten Saether So I think you should EXPLICITLY warn in the disclosure that this version, even though it is an early access version, will not have a reversal.
  12. @Morten Saether There is no link to the rollback version for the version if any.
  13. Neutron Visual Mixer. 1 - Insert as many STEREE BUSes as there are in your production line (VOICE, VOCALS, FEMALE VOCALS, DRUMS, GUITARS, GUITARS, KEYBOARDS, PERCUSSIONS, ETC.) 2 - Insert the RELAY plugin in each of these BUSes. 3 - Insert the NEUTRON VISUAL MIXER plugin in the MASTER. From there, all you have to do is distribute the elements according to your taste. I think this saves a lot of academic approaches on the subject that you can return to in the future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvZe9R1UOt0&pp=ugMICgJwdBABGAHKBSBjb21vIHVzYXIgbyBORVVUUk9OIFZJU1VBTCBNSVhFUg%3D%3D
  14. Hello, Thanks for the help. I've been using this theme and applying some improvements to my way of using it. I was trying to change the color of the Check Box marked in the image, because, when marking, it did not show the check. When trying to edit it gave the error and I discovered that the problem is that I installed Windows 12 and the path of Paint changed. Corrected the path and went back to editing. In the version that had the CHECK BOX when checking (a blue one) it did not show on the screen. I changed it to red as seen in the image and now it appears.
  15. When trying to open a BMP to edit the image in a theme I am getting error message.
  16. Hey guys. I don't know if this is the issue group to post this topic. I will be in Austin/TX between the 25th and 9/29/2023. It would be really positive if you could meet with a Cakewalk partner who lives in the city to exchange experiences and everything else related to music production. If any of the friends are available during the period, kindly call me in private. Hug.
  17. I got a little closer to what I would like to do. 1 - Insert midi clips. 2 - In each of them I changed the tuning. That worked. I couldn't access your links about inserting pitch markers. Which is exactly what I want to do. Creating melodic bass lines, etc.
  18. I want to take the samples from the basslines and change the bars to the notes/chords I want. In ACID I did a lot of that, but it was with wav samples. With MIDI sequences I don't know how to do it.
  19. Thanks for the answer. I will try to be more clear. I want to know if it's possible to do something like the image, that is: change the sequence of the midis notes for the chords. C - F - G - C Note that the midis notes remain at their original values.
  20. I've always been interested in inserting samples of standard instruments into a MIDI track and being able to change the tonalities. Something like C - G - F - C . I was able to do a lot of things by positioning each sample within the MIDI grid on the desired note. With the evolution of the application, I think there could be a more modern way of doing it. Something in JOINTS. If anyone can help me thanks. My wish is quite simple: Include or midi samples and be able to change to a desired chord sequence.
  21. I believe the answer to my question lies in the correction brought by the latest version of the plugin.
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