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Everything posted by pseudopop

  1. Phil's Cascade does seem really interesting. Noveltec Character didn't impress you?
  2. We're getting close to the price where I might have to buy it.
  3. 55 EUR at Best Service: https://www.bestservice.com/smart_eq_2.html
  4. I also got Corel Painter 2019 from a previous bundle, but I think ~â‚Ŧ25 is a good upgrade price considering what Corel normally asks for.
  5. Not yet. I'm trying to choose between the VS-3, TE-100, Noveltec Character, TRIAD, Phil's Cascade and mpressor. 😀 I'm thinking that I should go for something that is under $30, with the assumption that it's also going to be under $30 the next time it's on sale, and I can't use my monthly $25 voucher for plugins that are under $30. That would leave just Character and TE-100 on the table. 🤔
  6. You have probably checked the plugin upgrade offers? For me the prices are higher than what the plugins cost during a sale, but with a $50/$75 voucher the difference might be not so big.
  7. They sent out a $20 voucher code: "MEGA-SALE-20OFF". No minimum spend, can only be used once. Maybe I'll finally get that Vertigo VSM-3 I've been eyeing.
  8. It's also part of the MMasteringFXBundle. Bundles are also sold at 50 % discount during Black Friday, I believe.
  9. I should have said "not worth the money for me". It sounds interesting, but to get the most out of it I'd have to buy a lot of Kilohearts plugins (I currently own none). If it supported 3rd party plugins I would buy it instantly.
  10. The snapins included are free to download anyway, so I'm not quite convinced this rack is really worth the money. But it's a deal so I posted it. It's what Larry would've wanted.
  11. https://kilohearts.com/products/multipass
  12. Have I understood correctly, that Ethera Soundscapes 2.x has everything that 1.x has, so there is no need to own both? Ethera Gold is a completely different product, so there is no overlap between Gold and other Ethera titles? I have Ethera EVI 2.0, so I can probably already get the loyalty discount.
  13. pseudopop

    Crowd HYPE

    I assumed that when they say things like "get all sound libraries" and "get the full discography" it means everything, but maybe it excludes the premium stuff. I'll edit my previous post. If they offer direct links to the files you can use browser plugin like DownThemAll to get them all with a few clicks. I'm not sure if they do, though. A little googling shows that there are even plugins made specifically for downloading stuff from Bandcamp.
  14. pseudopop

    Crowd HYPE

    $20 for lifetime access is a pretty good deal. Snatched it. Edit: Wow, you didn't kid about the download process being painful. It's also possible to buy the whole collection (edit: premium stuff excluded, probably) on Bandcamp for $19.95 with the code "free2usesounds". I'm not sure if you get future updates, but downloading the files might be easier. Edit2: Actually, the server zips the files pretty quickly so downloading a whole folder is not that much work. Edit3: I take it back. If the folder is too big the server can't zip it and spits out an error instead: "7502 Server error: Not enough space".
  15. @cclarry, if that is not your personal share link I'd like to suggest that you replace it with the referer link you get on the download page. It's in the email they send you, too. For every five people that download the pack through that link you get one more vocal pack, up to four extra vocal packs. I think it's only fair that you get them for all the hard work you do on this forum.
  16. Coupon code "AID25" will drop the price to $36.
  17. Yeah, you probably need to pay the VAT only if you live in the EU. I created an account and finally registered Entropy:EQ and Proximity:EQ and the price went down to about 47 euros. 😀
  18. It's â‚Ŧ65 with the discount code for me, 20% VAT included. Quite a big difference between euros and dollars... Edit: I mean even without the VAT the price in euros is higher.
  19. For most people the answer is probably BitLocker to encrypt your hard drive. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/compare-windows-10-home-vs-pro Edit: Another comparison here: https://www.pcworld.com/article/2952408/who-needs-windows-10-pro-5-reasons-to-upgrade.html
  20. Oh, you're right. Well that's just being mean. Not likely if they are not going to let me use my vouchers.
  21. Well, it would work if they would let me use the $25 voucher first ($49.99 - $25 = $24.99) and then the other one ($24.99 - $20 = $4.99). But I guess they do it this way on purpose.
  22. Looks like I can't use this code with my personal voucher, because this is applied first no matter what and it drops the price too low for my personal code. Bummer. ☚ī¸ I don't think there is anything else I want, so if someone wants my $25 voucher (minimum spend $32), let me know.
  23. Don't forget the extra May voucher, if you haven't used it yet: MTFBWY25 Valid until May 31, minimum spend $39.
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