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Posts posted by steve@baselines.com

  1. 3 hours ago, scook said:

    It is possible to both remove old plug-ins from view (and possible accidental use) and still have them available when an old project needs them....the Plug-in Exclude List.


    Thank you - I will give that a try.  Also, based on what Bitflipper said, I will try to uncheck some of the boxes in the VST Scan routine.



  2. 33 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

    When I add a new plugin, the subsequent scan takes about 3 seconds. A lot longer if I do a reset first, in which case it's more like 30-40 seconds. Either way, significantly under a lifetime. OP, how long do your scans take? Could be one plugin that's holding up the process.


    My scan takes upwards of 5 minutes now.  This is using edit->preferences->VST Settings -> Manual Scan ->Scan.

    All of the options are checked.  So it is probably overkill.  Also, over the decades, I have added 13 folders for the thing to scan.  I know, it's a mess.

    I see all of the plugins listed as they are scanned, and each one seems to go relatively quickly...but I of course walk away and do something else after the first minute or so.  Every time I look at it though, it seems to be progressing through each one about the same.



  3. Hi - first a thank you for past answers.  It's really great to have a forum of people who know things!

    Now, for another question...I'm sure that many Cakewalk users have enough VSTs so that a scan takes a lifetime when you get a new product.

    What is the proper (safe) way to get all the old versions of a product (like Ozone 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 !!) out of the picture.  Is it simply removing(moving) the ones you don't use out of the VST folder area and doing a rescan?  (in the process probably breaking old song files, but that's a price I am willing to pay).

    Also, is there a fast way to scan JUST for new installations?



  4. This is totally great.  It has been years (decades) since I heard this song - thanks for covering it - your version is spot on - captures the feeling as it should.

    • Like 1

    TD 1

    For me, as an over expectant Patriots fan, it is Touch Down!  Perhaps also an Apollo 11 - I can see Buzz Aldrin bouncing around and practicing his golf shot with this playing in the background!

    Nice job!


    • Thanks 1
  5. Hi all - it's probably in the docs somewhere, but I'll risk getting flamed so I don't have to go in and look for it.  Sorry in advance.

    Is it possible to replace the horrendous start screen recent projects box (the one that only fits 2 large tiles of projects, at least on my screen) with something better?  If the tiles could be a quarter the size and just scroll down through all the recent projects in a single column it would be much better.  On my screen, each row has at least three columns, 2 of which are visible, and I can't scroll to the right, only down.

    Thank you,



    • Confused 1
  6. Really like this.  I didn't think I would because I usually try to stay close to the original, but you did a fantastic interpretation of this song.  It has enough of the original vibe while being totally different.  That's not easy to do.

    • Like 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, jerrydf said:

    Wow, there's a choice out of left field! But excellently done, especially the way the orchestra comes in.  I remember the original and I'm a great Spoonful fan, and have the book "Zal! - An Oral History Of Zalman Yanovsky" here ready to read. Have you got any other Spponful stuff to go?


    Hi Jerry - thank you for the comments!  Not too long ago, I did another Spoonful song - it's in the Blog section at baselines.com. 

    Here's a link: https://baselines.com/?p=6475  - In my old band, we once opened up for John Sebastian - I believe it was in Portland, Maine if my memory is still correct....these days it's difficult to remember - this was back in the late 70's.

    I'm going to check out that book you mentioned.



  8. 2 hours ago, Jim Fogle said:

    For those not familiar with the original, I've posted a link to the audio here.  As you can tell, stereo mixing was still relatively new in 1966.  The song has an interesting history you can read here.

    Steve's arrangement is very close to the original arrangement.

    Hi Jim - thanks for adding the detail!



  9. 1 hour ago, Lynn Wilson said:

    I remember this song quite well because I used to jam on it in the day.  As always, your covers are uniquely your own while paying homage to the original.  You have very good taste!

    Thank you Lynn - always liked this song and finally got around to covering it.

    • Like 1
  10. On 10/16/2022 at 12:42 AM, noynekker said:

    Steve . . . another great sounding cover . . . guess this one was never a huge hit parade thing, I don't think I've ever heard it, but your version is excellent, including that 60'ish horn section, Burt Bacharachish and all.  Enjoyed it in my retro brain very much !

    Thank you!  I think this actually got up to number 15 way back there.  It was also commissioned for a Coppola movie.

  11. 1 hour ago, antler said:

    Wow. This is the first time I've heard that song, but it's really good. It has a structure that's slightly different from today's music, so it felt quite fresh to me.

    It might just be my speakers, but I found the hat and tambourine strikes a tiny bit loud in the mix.

    All good otherwise - great work!

    Hi Antler - I heard it on Spotify a little while ago and it just made me glad and sad at the same time - glad that it exists, sad that that innocent time has past.  Gave me goosebumps, had to cover it.

    And you are absolutely right - I think the same thing.  I left it the way it was, but it would probably be better muting it a little.  I was surprised that the drummer was playing those hi-hat 16th, so I accentuated it at the time.  And I guess I made the tambourine loud because I'm not really a guitarist or a singer and thought it would pull attention away from those only two other things that were playing.  

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