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Josh Wolfer

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Posts posted by Josh Wolfer

  1. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but the bakers have been listening to me lately, so I'll give a try. 

    I hate the multi-dock. Like "Hate" hate it. Hated it in X1. X2. X3. Splat. And still hate it in CbB. 

    Every time anything launches in it (Vvocal, Melodyne, PRV, Console View), every single time, I drag it out to my second monitor and work from there. I pretty much NEVER want anything blocking my track view on monitor 1. 

    Cakewalk doesn't remember this. Or if it does, it doesn't remember that the window (IE: Console View) was maximized. It launches Console View with 20% of the monitor height filled. Super annoying. 

    So if there were an option to just disable it, that would make me pretty excited. 

    Thank you bakers!

    • Like 2
  2. The only reason I don't support this is because building proper cross platform software is a real pain in the ***** to do right. A lot of companies will build the core code on one platform and then hire out another company to do same janky crap port and it never works the same across both, unless simultaneous development is done. This is the key difference. Simultaneous dev, not porting. 

    This late in the game, all you're going to get on Mac is a crappy port and no one wants that. The loyal PC members don't want dev cycles taken from bettering the existing PC platform, and Mac users don't want an under-performing buggy port. 

    No one wins. 

    I get where you're coming from. I just think it'd be a mistake at this point. And Mac people already have GREAT DAW options at their disposal. 

    • Like 3
  3. Thank you for the suggestion. That's exactly what I do now, it just eats up extra time and I'm trying to increase my workflow efficacy to pump out more work. 

    Side note, the select group of nodes then delete seems to be slightly unpredictable. Sometimes it deletes them all and creates a hole (dashed line - no automation) other times it creates a simpler shape (almost exactly as I'm asking for here), and sometimes it just makes a hard line between nodes. 

    Pretty odd behavior. But I appreciate your suggestion. 

  4. Latest version of Cakewalk (2020.04 built 179) has a bug with automation drawing. Tested on multiple computers, different projects. 

    **This does NOT happen when drawing in Track automation. Only Busses. 

    When you draw with the draw tool (alt+click), automation results 0.2-0.9 dB higher than you clicked. Screenshot example. Here I drew the automation to follow right on top of the 0dB line already there: 


    The line tool does it as well. I just switched to the line tool and drew in ontop of the same 0dB mark. Line came out to be .6dB higher. 



    • Like 1
  5. I would like a way to have cakewalk easily "simplify" or "average" out automation nodes, that were input from a controller. IE: riding fader volume.

    Example, I use a midi controller to write initial automation. But then I want to touch it up later. I'd like Cakewalk to intelligently remove as many nodes as it can, to make tweaking with a mouse later on, easier. When working on film, I like to do one live pass on score ducking and then clean it up with the mouse. The main issue is that all of my motions are typically slightly late as I'm reacting to the video on screen (as you'd expect unless you have scenes completely memorized). When there are too many nodes, it makes grabbing the appropriate group and sliding it where it needs to go, slightly problematic because the boundary nodes collide. Sometimes it works well, sometimes it doesn't. 

    There is a CAL for removing every x nodes, but that's too imprecise to really be useful to me. Other DAWs have simplify functions. I'd like Cakewalk to do so as well. 

    In the screenshot, Red shows the actual automation written and blue shows an example of about what I'd like cakewalk to do. Almost like a quantize-ish function (not quite, but I think you get what I mean.)

    I know I can just draw a new line with the mouse, but I'd prefer to not make 1000 spaghetti nodes all over the place.


    • Like 6
  6. Super simple. There is already the option to have tracks follow the bus color. I'd like a follow track folder color. 

    That's all. Not super important, but would be nice and is hopefully low hanging fruit. 

    I don't always set everything logically to go through the same bus. For example, in this case, I have both FX, FX HALL, and FX OUT going to the FX bus, but the track folders hold different variations of sound source. So this would be handy :)



    • Like 2
  7. Not to poop on a parade, but I never understood the love of Sonitus, even when they first came with Sonar. I have better alternatives for every single one.  

  8. Jeez. The vitriol in this thread....

    It would be a handy feature. Although as many have said, there are several work arounds, most notably temp grouping and dragging the fader down, which won't work well with automation on the fader (unless you're in offset mode). Gain shouldn't be touched in this case. 

    With the 64bit engine, you have essentially unlimited headroom, so as long as your tracks aren't blowing up (which even if they are, it's really just a visual issue), since you can gain down the master bus with zero degradation in quality. 

    FWIW, before I mix ANY track, the first thing I do after finishing the writing (IE: when I'm done building the sync track), is bounce all instruments to audio tracks and drop all faders to infinity. Every mix I do starts with faders down and then I start leveling things out. If I have already balanced the guitars, i'll drop the subgroup bus instead, since I'm essentially mixing them back up from there. 

    I encourage you to use a similar workflow, since this works extremely well. And make sure you're not peaking beyond -6 on any one track. -10 if you are working with a higher dynamic song. This gives you plenty of headroom and you can always easily gain it up on the master bus to feed your mastering plugins at the appropriate level. 


    • Great Idea 1
  9. Very simple. In the upper right of the track view, yall added icons for crossfade and ripple editing. These are SUPER helpful, because it visually shows you what behavior to expect while editing, as well a quick way to enable/disable these. 

    I'd like another icon added for "Select track envelopes with clips". When doing film sound editing, there are many times towards the mixing phase where I need to move clips around quickly and sometimes I need this on and sometimes I don't. I find myself clicking on the "options" menus to verify if it's on or off before moving clips around. I wish I had a visual cue, like xfade and ripple editing. 

    That's all! Thanks for all the great work you're doing!


    • Like 1
    • Great Idea 1
  10. This appears to be by design, as the Cakewalk docs specifically don't show "Project -> Insert time / measures" as being affected by Ripple Editing:


    However this is kind of silly ;). My use case is for film sound editing. Director swore the edit was locked, yadda yadda, and now just sent me a new edit. meh.

    Using the old and new production audio tracks, I've determined the old and new video clips are 3860 ticks apart. With ripple editing enabled globally, I'd expect to be able to do a Project -> insert time/measures at 3860 ticks and have it just work, but it doesn't. 

    What does work is splitting one of my clips and then doing a process -> slide by 3860 ticks with ripple editing on.  

    So I have a simple request: Make "Project -> Insert time / measures" also affected by Ripple Editing. 


  11. FWIW, I made keyboard short cuts to disable nodes. Also, setting the threshold helps, but I only use it on dialog, not guitars. Even on dialogue, it's a little cloogy in it's detection. An updated detection algorithm (maybe content dependent) would be cool. 

  12. Here is a video of the behavior. 

    I tried dragging the project into another from windows explorer to a new project: 

    Well.. look at that. That actually preserved the clip groups. Sweet. At least there is a workaround. That however did collapse all take lanes into a single. So it's almost as equally annoying :D

    And on top of that, it looks like you can't click on the individual clips to select them and move them to another take lane. Man, what is going on lately with these annoying issues. I don't care to take another video to explain, but I hope bandlab sees these things and fixes it.




  13. Pretty simple. I did some ADR over a weekend and used my laptop. Now I want to merge these tracks into my main project in my DAW. 

    I select the tracks from the source project, copy special, go to my main project and paste special. 

    Everything comes over (although track folders and colors aren't honored), but every clip now belongs to the same clip group regardless of track or comp take. Major pain in the bottom. I tried enabling ripple editing, no love. 

    I tried saving the ADR project as a cwt and then insert tracks from template file and it inserts the tracks and folders and colors... but no audio clips! gah. Maybe there is a trick to saving template files with audio included?

    Screenshots attached of the clip group duping.



  14. Looks like something broke in the latest version. 

    When selecting multiple clips (right click drag and select multiple clips), nudging only affects one of the multiple clips. 

    Also, similar behavior when selecting multiple clips and (3+) and right click, bounce to clips. It's not bouncing all of the clips into a single anymore. I have to do multiple bounce to clips. 

    Can provide screenshots / video if need be, but this should be easy to reproduce. 

    2020.01 build 28 64bit


  15. Okay. this is bizarre. 

    As a hail mary, I saw another thread about an unrelated video problem, and I changed my Video setting in the config file to directshow only and reloaded the config. 

    I re-launched cakewalk and it didn't fix the issue. So I change it back and relaunched Cakewalk. 

    And now the Video view is working AND it shows up in my "View" menu. Compare this screenshot to the first set where Views -> Video (alt+shift  2) isn't even visible...


  16. Just imported a video into Cakewalk and the Video view is no where to be found. View -> Video doesn't exist and if you right click the video track and click on Video view, nothing happens. 

    As a sanity check, i just redownloaded Sonar Platinum, works perfectly fine. 

    The Thumbnails are rendering without issue in CbB. CbB is the latest version. Just installed it literally 20 minutes ago. 

    I have a sound editing project that I need to get started on. I'd like to not have to work back in SPLAT. What gives? 




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