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Everything posted by Sim

  1. I'm suffering from this problem for several monthes. The numbers middle of () keep being created and added to every imported tracks name. Can I remove theses at same time?
  2. Hi, Cakewalkers. I applied to a contest of TV Drama OST in Korean Broadcasting Station(KBS). Preparing time was very short because It was very late time that I saw this contest. So, I have to finish from make a theme to recording in a week. It was very hard and I wanted almost be give up... but my girl friend cheered me up. 12 / 8, C major. You can find some Korean traditional instruments (Gayagum, Dansho, Sogum). https://www.grafolio.com/works/1028928 I will be playing automatic, please check your volume first. And... If you like this song, Please vote me in the webpage You can sign up your facebook or google account. There are 'Four type' Emotions you can choose under the webpage. If I read your commnet, It would be fantastic.
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