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Posts posted by huviolan

  1. HI everybody, 

    I´ve posted this days ago in the general discussion forum, and someone guided me to do it here, which seems to be the right place for the kind of staff I am asking for.  So...here we go again:

    My questions are.:

    Is it possible today, to import audio files .ogg (OPUS encoded) into Cakewalk directly?? ( I mean....by dragging on clip pane or importing from menu) 

    Or...would it be possible to include it in updates in the near future??

    Is it in the agenda of the Cakewalk staff people??

    This audio file format (.ogg container with OPUS encoding) is really growing up very fast this days and is one of the most used in You tube,(for instance).


    Thanks in advance for any clarification or news about this.


  2. HI Kurre, and thanks for your comment.

    Maybe I was no clear enough (excuse my english in that case!) .

    Yes, I know about the .opus files and the straming use for them.  What I was pointing to is to the .OGG files that are coded with opus encoder  (OGG is no more than the container format). As far as I know, Cake is importing without any problems the .OGG encoded with Vorbis, But now a days, (and you can check it in Youtube for example) the .OGG encoded with OPUS is really growing up very fast, and at the moment, you can not import this tipe of .OGG files in Cakewalk. Of course, you can transform it to WAV or any other compatible format that Cake can accept (and that´s what I am just doing ...) , but would be very handy and easy for the workflow if you can imported it directly (no convertion in the midle) .
    Again..thanks anyway for your answer and idea related to use VLC .
    I would really like  some answer from the developer´s team, if posible, about the posibiitie of thos in a near future...

    Regards from Argentina

  3. HI,

    I am using the Tools Editor from Scook (thank a lot for that ,by the way , Scook!. Great utilitie!!

    I've added Izotope RX7 to the menu, but when I try to load it from inside CakeBandLab (last version with the last hottfix =2019.11 build 63 installed!) I got the error message indicated in the screenshot attached below.  I am attached too the config of the Tools Editor for loading this soft .

    Just like and extra data: The Izotope RX 7 program runs perfectly from outside Cake. 

    So...can you Scook (or anybody) give me some help about the possible cause of this error and how to solve it??

    Thanks a lot for any help !


    Regards !





    On 12/3/2019 at 9:58 AM, huviolan said:

    Hi !  

    I what to report what I understand it´s a bug (and is there since long time ago) in the fretboard view (working in the staff window) during midi playback.

    The fact is that when the staff scrolls to the next group of bars, the very first note in the staff that it's sounding (the one in the left of the staff in that moment) is NOT drawn in the fretboard. Maybe it seems not to be a big deal, but for me, That I'm using this fretboard view to teach bass and guitar lines to my students, means that for a moment (at each screen scrolling)  they get lost in the follow up pf the line. 

    I suppose that nobody reported it before because I can inagine this is not one of the most used nor more important views in Cakewalk, but from the moment it is there and is announced like a feature of the program (really usefull for me) I really will appreciate if you bakers can dedicate a moment to try to solve this minor graphical bug.

    If something is not clear enough in my writing, please let me know and I will try to make myself clear.

    Thank in advance for your help...

    HI Cakewalk people:
    I know  (As I said in the quoted post ) that the problem (bug?) reported  is not an important point for you bakers (or for the regular Cakewalk user ) focus on, but I was expecting at least some answer from the staff.
    Really just a thought, and far from pretending be rude. I really appreciate all the effort made from the staff on making Cakewalk better each day, but at the same time, think that every feature presented and incorporated in the product must work as it is supposed to.

    So...is somebody can have a look at the little "problem" I will really appreciate, because it is important and useful on my dayly activity

    Thanks a lot ...in advance


    Regards .



  5. On 11/26/2019 at 2:47 PM, jieva said:

    I do most of my work in staff view.  In older Cakewalks there was an option of snap to grid.  In the newer bandlab version it seems to be set at a 32nd note.  This is slowing me down by a long way and I would be very happy if the snap function could return.

    I Jieva. I use a lot the staff view myself...and I know about all the potential improvements to be made for a better workflow...but you and me know that this is not one of the  core purposes of this software, and that's why since long time ago I decided to live with what it is...But, going ti your question ....If I am not missunderstanding you, what you are asking for is something  you can get just going to the view menu in the staff view, and there, "display resolution". There you can set the snap to grid preference for the input of the notes without having to positioning your cursor exactly at the required time on the bar. That of course is going to change momentarily the graphical display of notes with a shorter time duration, but at the end, you can set this resolution to the minor duration existent at your staff to have all notes showing the exact duration and positioning. 

    Also the duration  selection    used to automatically change if you touched and clicked a previous note in the score.  That was very helpful indeed.  This seems to have been removed.

    About this...I am on the latest update (2019.11) and I could check that if you touch one note and draw a ñew one, this has the duration of the last touched note.... Is that what is not working on your version??

    And lastly why is there no erase function in the staff window.  If find it very awkward   to leave the staff window to select the erase tool in the   main tool bar.

    Related to this..(and maybe you know it already, but just in case...) , you can delete notes just lazo-selecting them with the righ mouse button presed, and then presing delete, or presing delete while left clicking over the note. This are laternatives to the selection of the erase rubber located on top on the control bar, if you find it unconfortable to your workflow.

    Please can we have the previous functionality back.  I know that you can move the now time to the exact position for the note but that is very laborious  indeed.

    Having an erase in the staff toolbar would be a bonus.

    Kind regards


    And, if I missundertud any of your comments/request or you already know what I am suggesting....my apologies !

    And...regards from Argentina


    • Like 1
  6. Hi Neil.

    As far as I know, any Linear Phase EQ introduces extra (and mos of the time, no minor) latency . That's the cost of avoiding the phase shifting.

    I use the Fab Filter Pro 3  EQ, and in the documentation this  is clearly said . And I also read the same advice related to the Linear Phase principle itself. So...what I want to mean is that this is not a bug or defect of the plugin, but the way it is supposed to be and work.  

    • Like 1
  7. Hi !  

    I what to report what I understand it´s a bug (and is there since long time ago) in the fretboard view (working in the staff window) during midi playback.

    The fact is that when the staff scrolls to the next group of bars, the very first note in the staff that it's sounding (the one in the left of the staff in that moment) is NOT drawn in the fretboard. Maybe it seems not to be a big deal, but for me, That I'm using this fretboard view to teach bass and guitar lines to my students, means that for a moment (at each screen scrolling)  they get lost in the follow up pf the line. 

    I suppose that nobody reported it before because I can inagine this is not one of the most used nor more important views in Cakewalk, but from the moment it is there and is announced like a feature of the program (really usefull for me) I really will appreciate if you bakers can dedicate a moment to try to solve this minor graphical bug.

    If something is not clear enough in my writing, please let me know and I will try to make myself clear.

    Thank in advance for your help...

  8. Problem solved Scook! I've just did what you indicated,and  reducing the font size to 10 solved the problem, letting the program  window be completelly visible. 
    Just a suggestion: Lot of laptops have the resolution height of the screen in something a little less than 800. I think would be better to default the font size to 10 instead of 12, so less people will be bothering you (like me! Je!) with this potential issue after installation of your (really good, by the way)  tool.  
    Just an idea....
    Thanks again for all your great and, specially, generous work for the cakewalk community!! 
    I really appreciate it so much!



  9. Hi Scook!

    Thanks very much for the tools.

    They are great!

    I have just downloaded the Tools Editor, and when I run it on my x64 windows 10, in a laptop with screen resolution of 1366 x 768, I can not see the bottom of the program windows, so I can not go on with the OK Click for the entered data to take effect...

    Do you have any workaroud for this?? is it a bug of the program update?? or... is just me  forgeting something??

    I attach a prints creen of what I am talking about.

    Thanks in advance for your response and (I hope) help on this!! 





    Cropped program window.png

  10. Hi,
    I use Cakewalk in live situations, sending synchronized video clips to a projector. The fact is taht since long time ago, the video features in the Cakewalk software are not being improved (That´s reasonable, because i can understand that his is not the core interest and focus of the product), but at least what it´s expected is reliability in the existent features. And to use the video live, you need one of two possibilities: 
    1-being able to use the full screen option (which even in the very last upgrade 2019.09.70  freeze the cakewalk application completely if you close the project with the video in full screen in the second monitor or projector), or...
     2- being able to use the window maximized on the second screen (I can hide the tittle bar with an AutoHotKey script, that´s no problem!) . But...in this case, what happens is that there is a white border on the window (even maximized) which is impossible to eliminate, not even from the windows configuration, because it seems to be part of the cakewalk internal design for that window. (see screen capture in the attachment)
    So...the improvement request:
    Could it be possible for you developers, to eliminate that white thiny line in the video window?? and have a look about the freezing problem  for the full screen option??
    Both actions will be really appreciated, because I really need to use the video in live situations.
    I am a Cakewalk user since the ´93, and really love the fantastic creative companion  that it is!! That´s why i dare to ask for this.

    Waiting for your kind reply...
    Regards from Argentina!

    white line borders in video window.png

  11. 2 hours ago, MarianoGF said:

    I know that the following is previous to the 2019.9 Early Acces, but it could be great you consider to adressing it for the upcoming release:

    When I edit real time stretched clips, everything sounds fine. But when I bounce them or the whole project, it appears clicks on the former edit points or crossfades between those time stretched clips.

    Here I attach a .cwp example file with audio.

    This issue occurs even if I choose Elastique Pro as the stretch method for both online and offline renders. And it happens with any kind of bouncing: bounce to clips, to tracks, freeze and even export (fast bounce or not).

    The workaround I can do in the meantime is to bounce those clips INMEDIATELLY AFTER stretch, and BEFORE any subsequent editing.

    If I'm not the only one experiencing this, hope you consider it for fixing.

    Same problem here Mariano!! 


    • Thanks 1
  12. Hi Everybody, .

    I don´t know if the bug i´m gonna describe was present before this Early Access version, (I have it installed so I don´t know if this bug was present in the last stable version of Cake).
    The fact is:  if you want to go to full screen on the video view window AND you are using Direct Show like the engine for video media (because that´s the only way to be able to move around in the timeline for a video clip. As far as I know it is not posible to do that with Windows Media Foundation engine), you only get a flickering  on the screen and the video window reverts inmediatly to the default stretch mode (which is "preserve aspect ratio"). Is this the way it shoud be?? Because with the Media Foundation engine no problem going to full screen, but no way to get it if you are using Direct Show. 
    I hope I've been clear enough...despite of my english
    Thanks a lot in advance for any clarification about this!

  13. 28 minutes ago, scook said:

    No special action is needed by the user regardless of the version already installed. BandLab Assistant will download and install the full version of CbB when it detects a version that cannot be updated with the smaller update release. IOW, BandLab always updates to the latest production release with which ever installer (full or update) it deems appropriate.

    Thanks a lot for your clear an soon answer Scook!


  14. Hi to everyone! 
    I have a doubt about the following. Let´s suppose that some bug is detected by some user testing the EA version of the program, bettwen  the time that I have installed the early access version and the roll out of the final release, which has been corrected on that bug. My question is: Is it going to be possible to install (via BandLab asistant) that new and corrected release over the Early Access version one already installed or...will I need to re-install the full version of the program from scratch??
    I hope my english is clear enough to make me understand by you people!
    Thanks in advance for your reply and....thanks a lot for the excellent and commited job all of the team is doing over this DAW!! I am using Cakewalk  since the 90´s, live, composing, recording....etc,etc.., and it has always be the perfect musical partner in my projects!!
    Regards from Argentina!

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