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Posts posted by Lou

  1. Hi,

    I just discovered that Cakewalk is now free and want to try it out. I had  some experience in the past with Sonar but it was a long time ago; but so far the interface seems straightforward, and cakewalk rapidly became my favorite DAW, to the point where I am not using Logic nor Studio One anymore.

    I am trying to set up my hardware now; I have a KK M32 keyboard, which is my main workhorse; and a Digitone; which I would like to hook up to Cakewalk; although I am having problems.

    The M32 works as midi controller, but none of the buttons or knobs does anything in Cakewalk; I tried to add the M32 DAW to the surface controller section, tried all the various options (3 MACK and the other 2 options), and none of those is actually working. The keybed works, but nothing else. The keyboard show some buttons on, like the transport, loop, metro, tempo, undo and shift, but nothing else.

    As far as the digitone, I was able to import it as midi, so when I play it I can hear it in Cakewalk, but I am not sure how do I trigger each of the 4 channels. since when I use the m32, only the first channel is playing. I tried to change midi channel on the settings of the channel but nothing works except the first channel. Same for recording; it seems to record midi but that's it, while I would like to record both the audio and the midi, in case I want to try different patches with the same midi sequence.

    Does anyone got any luck with the setup for M32 and Digitone? Thanks!

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