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Devyn Horne

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Posts posted by Devyn Horne

  1. 3 hours ago, MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve) said:

    Another option for entering and editing midi data including notes is the Events List.  The problem with that is the tendency to micro-manage data down to the level of ticks, but it is an option. (That is, its not a tool for perfectionists because of the minute level of editing possible.)

    That definitely sounds a bit more manageable, to me. Though, I'm not very picky, unless I can get a quicker way done, lol. Honestly, I just feel like it's something that should be simplified, like in BandLab's web version of the software. It's super easy to edit midi in that stage.

    • Great Idea 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Starship Krupa said:

    Can you clarify? You may certainly install them on your system and then import the resulting MIDI files into Cakewalk. As far as integrating them into Cakewalk itself, there may be  ways to do it with ReWire or with a VST that allows MIDI editing that I'm not aware of.


  3. 3 minutes ago, Promidi said:

    With the smart tool enabled (Sounds like you already have it enabled) If you hold the mouse button down then move the mouse slightly, the note will be placed

    If you hold the mouse button down and then move the mouse more before releasing you can set the duration.  Moving to the right sets to duration. Moving to the left sets the duration by setting the start of the note but locks the end of the note.

    Convoluted, yes, but you do get used to this.

    Personally, I would like a single click to just place a note - to do that, select the draw tool - but you can't set the duration.

    Yeah, it does sound a bit convoluted. However, it is seriously the only complaint I have on Cakewalke, right now. Do you know if it lets you isntall third party midi editors?

  4. So, after recording a MIDI track, I did end up missing a couple notes and decided to go edit the notes in piano roll, rather than re-record that section. However, I seem to be having all sorts of problems simple adding notes to an input(I have been programmed into simplicity with how FL Studios edits midi, so I'm coming off just click to add); am I missing something? I sometimes have to double click to even add a note, honestly.

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