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  1. These may be a bit expensive for what I'm looking for: Neumann NDH 20 Thanks for all the suggestions. I read some reviews and looked carefully at the weight of each set. Also, some of the headphones aren't available currently where I live in Thailand. I took my Sony headphone on a recent road trip and enjoyed using them so I may just keep it simple and just try the MDR-7506 headphones. I've always enjoyed the sound of Sony headphones for some reason. I like the way the bass sounds. I actually brought my MDR-V600 headphones here when I moved from the States 24 years ago. They're now worn out and don't sound as good as before. I may also consider trying some of those suggested above probably starting with the HD 200 Pro phones. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for all your helpful suggestions. I think I should give these a try: Sennheiser HD 200 Nothing wrong with the MDR-7510 headphones and they're already packed for my 3 day trip to Chiang Rai tomorrow. I'm just always looking for suggestions. I've lived in Thailand for 24 years and it's another world far, far away from the recording studios I used to frequent in the States in NYC and Boston. And there's a high import tax rates on anything you have shipped here. Any price tag you see in Bangkok or Chiang Mai where I live is much higher than the bargain prices you see in the States or other countries. Lovely food here beaches, culture....................high headphone prices! Or anything involving computers or electronics. But the food is great... Thanks again.
  3. I've got some ATH-M50 headphones that I use in my studio that sound decent but squeeze my ears a bit hard and aren't fun for long sessions. I love my Koss Porta Pro headphones for when I do exercise. They hold the bass nicely and are incredibly light. I'm looking for recommendations for headphones that sound decent that I can take on road trips to use with my laptop but shut off some of the room noise (my kids!) better than the Koss headphones. Anything $50-$100 would be fine. My Sony MDR-7510 headphones aren't too heavy and don't squeeze the ears too hard so I can use them for the time being. I don't buy headphones very often so I'm interested in any suggestions from people who know the latest choices. Thanks.
  4. I have the answer to my own question. It's in Piano Roll view, not Track view shortcuts:
  5. I have this working on my home PC but now I'm on the road with my laptop and can't seem to get it to work. I'm trying to bind Shift-V to toggle 'show velocity' on and off without success. I think my home computer has a different binding to accomplish this but I can't seem to find it. Do anyone know what I should be binding to if this isn't it?: Thanks!
  6. Hi. I didn't realize that 'folding' equaled 'toy'. I guess nobody's made a professional folding keyboard yet so I'm returning the Finger Dance 61 to Amazon for a full refund and moving on. My kids have a roll-up keyboard which is a bit of a joke (no velocity) but they enjoy it. A toy. I bought a M-Audio Keyrig 49 about twenty years ago and it served me well until I moved on to my M-Audio Keystation 61 MK3 which I've enjoyed using the last couple of years. I think I'll just order their M-Audio Keystation 49 MK3 and give up on the folding option. I can throw it in the back of the car and know that I'll be able to record decent demos on the road. If anyone knows a better choice than the M-Audio model please let me know. I'm not an expert on keyboards but the M-Audio seems to satisfy my needs. Thanks again for your help.
  7. This one looks almost identical but has better reviews for some reason. It also costs less: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJDF263M?tag=track-ect-usa-1995552-20&linkCode=osi&th=1 Has a 9.3 rating here: https://www.bestproductsreviews.com/folding-piano-keyboards?targetid=dsa-19959388920&matchtype=&device=c&campaignid=20096873220&creative=657717749967&adgroupid=144119552330&feeditemid=&loc_physical_ms=21039&loc_interest_ms=&network=g&devicemodel=&placement=&keyword=$&target=&aceid=&adposition=&trackid=us_all_top_1_1&mId=407-132-4411&trackOld=true&lpv=50130&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA5-uuBhDzARIsAAa21T_JH_TXZigvqdosSbEPLUrP5oagtHX8h9mRiZSAdSiFJE7vzGvcB1IaAisXEALw_wcB I'm going to spend some more time researching.
  8. Hi gustabo, Do you know of a better 61 foldable piano choice? I haven't ordered it yet and it doesn't have to be from Amazon. The price is right for this on and it's not supposed to replace my studio keyboards as far as quality. But I would I like to get the best I can for about $150 or less. I open to suggestions. Thanks.
  9. I think I'm going to give up and return this keyboard to Amazon. One of the LED lights doesn't work so you can't clearly see program numbers so that's another reason to return it. I'm running out of time before my 2 month trip so I think I'll have to take a gamble and maybe order this one: https://www.amazon.com/Keyboard-Weighted-Portable-Electronic-Beginners/dp/B09Y21PWDM?th=1 This looks encouraging: Connector TypeBluetooth, MIDI USB Hardware InterfaceBluetooth, USB, HDMI and this: 🎶【Bluetooth & USB MIDI Function】 The 61 keys foldable keyboard has built in wireless connection, connect with piano games apps such as Garage Band, Perfect Piano and Pop Piano, or online music lessons, Make piano learning more fun. Also you can use the midi keyboard as a speaker. The music midi keyboard allows you to connect computer and other intelligent devices to edit music and create your own music. Thanks for your help.
  10. That almost worked! But... I'll try rebooting Windows now and try one more time. So close!
  11. It does show up in the Device Manager: But Cakewalk doesn't show it as an available MIDI device: Is there anything else I could change before I give up and return the keyboard. I'd much rather get it working than start again. It's got 61 keys and folds so it's perfect for my needs. I'm actually surprised it didn't just plug and play. Thanks.
  12. Hi. I ended up buying this keyboard but I'm having a problem connected it to my PCs and Cakewalk. I hooked it up to my home Win 10 desktop with a USB connection and Windows immediately found the driver and it looked fine to Windows. But Cakewalk didn't show it appearing as a MIDI device. Then I hit the road for a quick trip to test it with my Win 10 Acer laptop which is the device I actually want to use it with and I didn't see it yesterday via a USB cable and Windows said there was a problem with the USB device. I didn't quickly see a driver to download so I thought I'd try their keyboard Bluetooth connection. Win 10 saw the keyboard and I thought that might be the answer but again, Cakewalk didn't show it as a MIDI device. This article was interesting and I thought I could maybe make it work this info: No luck so far despite trying various Audio device settings in Preferences. I'd like to have a USB connection but I'll take anything that will work at this point. I'm heading off in about two weeks for a long trip and have to decide quickly whether to return this keyboard or somehow make it work for the journey. Thanks for any thoughts on any of this. PS: msmcleod - You always seem to know the answer to every problem with Sonar! I'm guessing you'll know the answer to this problem as well. You've been a great resource over the years!
  13. Thanks mettelus, I ordered it today and should have it in a week. There was a very similar model with a slightly better review rating I got. I don't expect too much but if it's serviceable on the road trips to get ideas down that will be okay. I've been using a silly cheap roll-up MIDI keyboard that I got for my kids which is a bit of a joke. Maybe this one will make some new fun chirps for the kids too. The built in Cakewalk PC keyboard piano is actually more useful, but very limited of course.
  14. I'm trying to get a decent but not too expensive folding 61 key piano to record demos on the road. 61 keys should do it since that will allow me to use my Ample guitar plugins. Has anyone bought any of these and if so can you please recommend one if you like it? Some don't have velocity info which is something I definitely want. The one below only connects via Bluetooth so I'm worried about if there might be latency issues. I don't care about the built in sound quality for their piano tones or whatever...as long as I can get MIDI notes and velocity info into Cakewalk and my Synth plugins I should be fine. An example of what I think I may want is available on Amazon: "Finger Dance 61 Key Folding Piano Keyboard" https://www.amazon.com/Finger-Dance-Keyboard-Imitation-Bluetooth/dp/B0B28BSJ6H/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=AL2465L7U6HL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.tImkBVuHmpgj6qmCOjDDLJk3SisAMRonFpUThCcigvP_kCMwTjsdvDXRjDINkwWvno0K2F30W8CNQ5Z47iSimJGJMbI_xDLmDdFvn5HJVSYooSrbLFVwscxdEvkhaLpMp5El9xQKDb6eDgiJ0yhSsEmBHLEIItI3ImuP751ORxt3hkVkXh7o5Rj6fABG794nGK4W6J25AeLoAiM_WOPLXqEiwmV7pxLfw1hiCi9OgvONwkd1d6vAi4XLbi-h8lMN7RJkgUsPIisimBezxW3JZtEx1tKhhPd-MXDGP-PInw0.iaNwO8eVDUEdABILvTKtrgf2sdLlOO9M3oYvvRPuzfI&dib_tag=se&keywords=midi%2Bpiano%2Bfolding%2B61&qid=1707999554&sprefix=midi%2Bpiano%2Bfolding%2B61%2Caps%2C396&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1 Thanks!
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