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Dave Wilkinson

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Everything posted by Dave Wilkinson

  1. Hello, I use Cakewalk to edit Type 1 Midi files. hat is happening now is when I solo a synth e.g. TTS-1 the green indicator comes on on the synth track but does not come on on any of the midi tracks that are pointing to that synth. For example, say if I have Midi track 1 (e.g. Piano) pointing to the 1st TTS-1 Synth in my rack and Midi track 2 (e.g Sax) pointing to the 2nd TTS-1 synth in my rack, when I solo either one of them no solo green indicator comes on on either Midi track 1 or 2. Also, no sound is heard. The only way I can hear sound is to solo the midi track. This never used to happen. The result is if I have an old file that has, say, TTS-3 in it, I can't easily tell which midi track is pointing to it. Thank you for your help.
  2. Thank you, problem solved. I was using the Basic Workspace view, when I change to the Advanced Workspace view, Alt-8 Event List is there. Thank you very much for your help.
  3. Hello, I upgraded recently to Cakewalk by Bandlab Version 2019.12. I now find I can't see Views-Event List or when I press Alt+8 nothing appears. Has this feature just gone or is there some other way of viewing the midi events in a track? Thank you for your help.
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