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Everything posted by Starlandsound

  1. Hey guys thanks for all the info, i just needed more time to understand how things were functioning. im on my way now, thanks!
  2. OK, im brand new (not to cakewalk, got my first version in the early 90's, have used them exclusively since then) i havent done any recording the last few years, heard Gibson killed CW... found out a few days ago you guys bought em and installed it immediately, this is stronger, more stable, and quicker then any previous version i can remember. (the plugins listing, adding, saving, searching is MUCH more efficient and fast). anyways, as for theme editing, it seems to me both the dark and light versions should be available to load as a staring "base" to build from, there should able a slot list showing the name of the thumb of each piece that can be clicked and changed, but there should be a functioning complete base to build from... and a list naming and showing each piece so that people know to some degree what they are modding and obviously what it looks like, even better would be a "demo" button you click and would bring up an image showing what your current layout your working on looks like. being a graphics design guy i have some ideas on some themes i think would be awesome for this great app, but right now the theme editor is confusing and incomplete.
  3. New User, this has been fixed now? my 32bit abbey roads plugs all seem to work flawlessly in BLCW?
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