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Everything posted by Fwrend

  1. Doubtful, but great story! For me, it was ca. 1991 that the wife and I recorded an 8 song cassette, 4 original and 4 cover. My friend and engineer sequenced a lot of it with Cakewalk on DOS. It was impressive and I was smitten!
  2. Worked here Larry (Kansas but in Washingtion atm) using link in OP.
  3. My last voucher was October of 2022.
  4. Sometimes, free is just not worth it? lol
  5. Do. Not. Hesitate! BBCO Pro is the absolute finest string library I have never used!!! And, I know I paid more than that!!!
  6. Might be time! Been waiting on the Inland to come down ($279) as it was recommended by a friend but may have to give this one a try. Seems to have great reviews (to the extent you can trust them.)
  7. That is correct. I think you may have to be subscribed to their newsletter or at least have an account/registration on their SITE. Regardless, lot's of really good free content and videos. HERE is the link I received by email. Not sure if it will work for everyone or email specific but worth a try. THIS is the Send Owl link posted in the Facebook group PC posted above. Both links take you there, but it looks like the email link uses tracking info.
  8. Yep, probably should have done this differently but, oh well. Glad they were used and not gone in the bin.
  9. You've tried all remaining serials? I know they've not all been used unless since this post. These are all personal serials of mine received through other purchases and up until this point, unused as I have full versions of each of them. Sorry if that is the case but perhaps they have been used and not reported here?!
  10. All serials redeemed.
  11. Oddly, taxes were not added to mine - a straight $99. Can't tell you why.
  12. Yep. Heard back from support who admitted it’s on their end. They gave me a code to use but the cart tells me it’s an invalid code. Go figure!
  13. Yep, emailed support. 2nd post prices are for 32C owners (I am.) but Pro shows $149 for me.
  14. Gotchya, but the answer still holds for the dynamics bundle, i.e. while logged in, your loyalty pricing shows up on the product page and in your cart which is easy enough to check. I don't own either the comp nor limit and my Sonible price is $109. EDIT: prices still cheaper at JRRShop of course. Dynamics bundle shows $109 or $91.56 with GROUP code applied. Perhaps went up after you bought?
  15. Add it to your cart and, if available will show there. EDIT: actually, the $75 price also shows on the bundle product page (scroll down). https://www.sonible.com/purebundle/
  16. Glad I was able to get CB13 - learning now. I’m liking it so far. I just haven’t gelled with SO. I got Samplitude instead of CB after CW and like it a lot but that company has a whole other mess including sales woes. I like Reaper a lot too and it just keeps on giving and working! Here’s hoping Steinberg doesn’t screw up their model - not perfect but seems stable and mature (so unlike me!) SO updated just fine but I’ll have to seriously rethink a paid update when it comes.
  17. Actually, support answered back yesterday and gave me a link to another version which worked without issue.
  18. You know this post is nearly three years old and that particular link is no longer correct. You can find the product HERE.
  19. Anyone else have a problem running the Recirculate-1.0.2- installer? My computer is blocking it without an option to proceed. I've tried both double-clicking and "Run as administrator" without success. Everything else Eventide installs fine.
  20. $349 here to crossgrade from Analog Lab Pro.
  21. Hmm, says it's valid on $99 or more. Doesn't work here either for the Pick 2 but it does for the Pick 3? Maybe email support?
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