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  1. reginaldStjohn's post in Hide Unused in Piano Roll (PRV) was marked as the answer   
    Open the drum map and delete the notes you don't want/use. Save as your own drum map and make sure you assign the track to your drum map
  2. reginaldStjohn's post in Project Still Looking for Deleted Plugin [Solved] was marked as the answer   
    the project still seems to think that you have it inserted on bus:"Slap Delay".  Have you checked that bus to see if you still have it in the effect rack or prochannel effect block?
    If it is not there then maybe something got out of sync or corrupt in the project file.  In that case you could either try to re-create the project or do a "save as" and make sure to copy all the audio with your save.
  3. reginaldStjohn's post in How do I move clips around using arrow keys was marked as the answer   
    Probably just a keyboard shortcut difference.  try exporting your keyboard shortcuts from the first computer and import them into the second one.

  4. reginaldStjohn's post in how to change tempo without messing up recorded audio was marked as the answer   
    I don't know about why the audio would be glitching, but if you make the audio into groove clips using the inspector panel, then they should follow the tempo of the song. However, the quality of the audio will degrade as the tempo is moved further from the recorded tempo
    Another option is to split the audio clips up and then manually stretch them to the correct length. Then once stretched, bounce them to insure that the offline algorithm is used to preserve the audio quality.
  5. reginaldStjohn's post in Why is CW Not Remembering Hidden Tracks? was marked as the answer   
    I know you mentioned Workspaces. Can you double check that you don't have a locked screenset? That is the only thing I can think of other then there being a bug.
  6. reginaldStjohn's post in Slide not available to move MIDI Clip or Group was marked as the answer   
    You may have to use your investigative abilities to see when and why this happens.  It may be that there there is a clip already at 0 possition so you can't drag it left. You may have the clips locked.  Does bouncing them to a single clip have any effect on the ability to move them? etc.
  7. reginaldStjohn's post in Only one vu meter registering was marked as the answer   
    Did you record a mono or a stereo track? There is a stereo/mono interleave button on each track. Try toggling that to see if it makes a difference. Also, make sure your master bus is set to output to a stereo output on your mixer.
  8. reginaldStjohn's post in Master MIDI Tuning was marked as the answer   
    There are transpose functions for midi, or you can manually select all the notes and drag them up and down in the piano roll view (PVR) to transpose them.
    To tune them less than a half step you would have to do that in the synthesizer that they are driving.
    Please check out the documentation
  9. reginaldStjohn's post in Duplicate Tracks Not Identical [SOLVED] was marked as the answer   
    So , what are you expecting to hear?  If you sum them to mono in the pre-main output bus (Set the interveave button to mono) then they should cancel out and you should not hear anything. However, if you are playing them in stereo through your speakers then you will hear both sides come at you from your speakers but with one phase inverted. They will not cancel out in the air.
    Also, be aware that if you run them through effects, especially stereo effects then the affected signal might not cancel since stereo effects can treat each channel separetely.
  10. reginaldStjohn's post in How To Commit Audio Effects? was marked as the answer   
    Freeze or Bounce the Track.
  11. reginaldStjohn's post in Help getting started was marked as the answer   
    Midi doesn't contain any sound information only note information so that a synthesizer can produce sound. You need to insert an instrument, like Cakewalk's TTS or Studio Instruments (Bass, Drums or Strings).  Then route the output to the inserted synth.  You show the built in Microsoft synth but I don't know if  that will really work inside of cakewalk.
    Look for a tutorial or better yet look into the Reference guide for how to use midi and instruments.
  12. reginaldStjohn's post in Template for audio meters range was marked as the answer   
    I don't know the answer to that but if you have tried it and it doesn't save with the template then you might already have your answer. Another option might be to setup a Workspace and see if that saves the meter's range setting?
  13. reginaldStjohn's post in I can't get my microphone to work with ASIO Exclusive. was marked as the answer   
    You have to make sure that windows is not using the microphone.  One way that might work is to disable it in the sound manager control panel so that windows will not use it.
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