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Tony Decap

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Everything posted by Tony Decap

  1. I really hope that CW will add the KeyAft option so that you don't loose to much time with going back and forward, but in the meantime getting by with the solution from Promidi is better then nothing. But I guess that it took a lot of tweaking before the Studioware Panel hack worked as intended, very inventive!
  2. I think that KeyAft events will become more important. For example, we build pipe organs and our new design is a smARTvalve which allows the pressure of each single pipe in the organ to be controlled individually. In midi V1, KeyAft is the only controller we can think of that can hold the information. The above suggestion of Promidi seems the way to go. Once you show the KeyAft information in the PRV, the "Key" selection should automatically switch to the selected note. As for the comment of msmcleod that the KeyAft information would become ghost information when the note's themself are deleted, I feel that KeyAft information is only available during a keypress from note/on till note/off, so it should be considered an integral part of that note and be deleted with it. All considered, I think that it should be very easy to implement this option in CW, as it is no different compared to the controller part: Controllers (already in place and working flawlessly in CWs PRV): select the control number, the control value is showed in the pane and can be edited with all the different tools. KeyAft (not implemented in CWs PRV yet): select the key number, the KeyAft value is showed in the pane and can be edited with all the different tools. I have no insight into the code of the CW program, but with me doing a lot of programming myself, it seems that it could be done in an hour, just duplicate the "Controller" item and add it to the list as "KeyAft", and re-associate the Controller-number to point to the Key number, and re-associate the Controller-Value to point to the KeyAft-Value. As for me, I'm really in need to have easy access to the KeyAft so that I can manipulate it with ease, so adding this function would be greatly appreciated.
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