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Leckraj Deeljore

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Everything posted by Leckraj Deeljore

  1. Thanks to everyone for replying. Followed the thread, and deleted the Realtek ASIO driver entry in the registry, and thankfully I was able to see the Generic ASIO Driver and also the Steinberg USB ASIO driver in the dropdown and was now able to select them. Just disabling the Realtek ASIO drivers in Device Manager did not work for me, so delete them in the registry if you have this problem. However using these ASIO drivers did not make any difference, my project still hangs due to a spike in Engine Load that suddenly goes from approx 40% to 115% about half way and lots of late buffers. Determined that UHE Diva was causing this, froze the track and now everything is fine, engine load never tops 40%. Cubase is a great product, but does not have ripple edit and paste replacing, which I use all the time. Strange. The SONAR interface is a bit tacky, but once you get to know it, it is so efficient, everything there to see, and you can dive into anything without clicking here and there. It just needs that Chord Track.
  2. Can I have the link to the thread, to remove the Realtek ASIO drivers? Cubase seem to thrive on its own Steinberg Generic ASIO driver on my laptop, on an almost similar project, while Sonar on WASAPI stutters and eventually loses sound completely. I thought that maybe the difference could be the use of ASIO driver. Can Sonar be made to use the Steinberg Generic ASIO driver? I do not see it among the list of drivers. If I move the project to my PC, where I use the UMC ASIO drivers, Sonar works flawlessly. The laptop is 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H with 16 GB memory, so no slouch.
  3. I have 2 cakewalk installations one on PC and one on Laptop. On PC I have a UMC Behringer Uphoria UMC404HD Audio Interface. On my laptop, I do not have an external audio interface but from time to time I connect to a YAMAHA MOX6 synth, which contains an audio interface. I have installed the latest YAMAHA USB ASIO driver on the laptop. The laptop has to rely on the Realtek drivers of the internal audio interface using WASAPI shared, with cakewalk. I have a basic CUBASE installation on both PC and laptop. On the PC, using cakewalk,I can see a Generic Low Latency ASIO driver although I prefer using the UMC ASIO Driver, so all OK there. On my laptop I do not see either the generic ASIO Driver nor the YAMAHA USB ASIO driver, when using cakewalk. If I choose ASIO as the driver mode on my laptop, it looks to use the Realtek ASIO drivers and cakewalk runs into a loop and hangs. I do see both ASIO drivers on the laptop when connecting with CUBASE, and can work without any problems. On a particular project, on the laptop, Cakewalk stutters badly or even loses the sound while a similar project with same VST, instruments,audio etc. runs smoothly on CUBASE which uses either the generic or yamaha ASIO drivers. I think the problem is because of the Realtek drivers, so how do I make cakewalk use these ASIO drivers instead on the laptop? Is there a path or something I have to configure in cakewalk? Both PC and laptop are on Windows 11. I have tried disabling the realtek drivers, but same problem. I cannot delete them because I need them for normal use.
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