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Everything posted by flange_59163

  1. No, I must admit, I missed that! I would still think that someone coming to the Cakewalk forum for the first time might need some indication
  2. Thank you for this - I have had a look on the home page for this forum and also on the main Bandlab page. I cannot find a link to this "Discord" server nor any text about it. (I did find it eventually on the web - and did not see any reference there to "Cakewalk Next"!) Can I suggest there is some information about it please? I'm sure there will be others who see "Cakewalk" or "Cakewalk Next" and not think they are completely separate items.
  3. "Byron Dickens Perhaps you shouldn't be beta testing if you don't know what you're doing or what exactly it is you are beta testing." "User 905133 Well, if you used the Staff View in your old version of Cakewalk/SONAR and that worked, why not go back to that instead of trying to use the beta version of software that has yet to be released (Cakewalk Next)?" I'm not beta testing. I do not have a PC any longer so won't be going back to an old version of Cakewalk. I was trying to find a way to process the old Cakewalk files I have into something that will run on a Mac (referenced above by John Vere). It seems there ain't a piece of software that will do that.
  4. Perhaps it's just easier if I delete the program and get back to something that works.
  5. ?? Eh? I presume, since you are surprised, that this is Important?
  6. Ahhh! Thank you very much! No wonder I'm confused! I've just had a look at Cakewalk by Bandlab (old sonar) - and unfortunately it's only Windows based. I'll see if the new Sonar will be available for Mac OS. Meanwhile I'll continue playing with Cakewalk Next!
  7. "As said Next is a completely new DAW ... This forum is for Cakewalk. " Now I am confused! I downloaded a thing called "Cakewalk Next", linked to BandLab. () What you say suggests there are actually two separate things - "Cakewalk" and "Next". so the thing I have on my laptop is not "Cakewalk Next", but one or other of those things?!? (See attached ...)
  8. Perhaps youare right, it hasn't been implemented yet. Anyone else know further?
  9. "Discussions about Next should be done on Discord, not on this forum." ? Sorry? I don't understand. This is the Cakewalk forum, no? Plus I don't see any "Discord" selection on the menu?
  10. Hi, My old version of Cakewalk had a scoring facility. I can't find it in the new (Cakewalk Next) version. Am I just not seeing it? Is there a simple click to gain access?
  11. Cakewalk Next is the Mac version, run by BandLab. I have a Mac now, not a PC.
  12. (Sorry. I mean "have Cakewalk Next. That's Bandlab...")
  13. "If you had a more modern program, such as Cakewalk by Bandlab, you could open the project..." I have Cakewalk Next. That's Bandcamp, no? I have found that it doesn't open wrk files. However, you are saying I can open wrk files on my Mac using Melodyne and export ...?
  14. OK. Thanks John Vere. You answer implies that, yes indeed, I cannot convert wrk files to, say, midi. As you suggest, I'll see if our local shop has a PC.
  15. I'm guessing that the answer to my original question "Is there some way I can convert the files to something Cakewalk Next will open? (Midi, perhaps?)' is ... Nope.
  16. "AFAIK"? Is that some conversion software? (But only running on PC?)
  17. Hi, I have a lot of old *.wrk files from the days when I had a PC and Cakewalk. Now I have a Mac; I don't have access to a PC. I understand that Cakewalk Next cannot open these old *.wrk files. Is there some way I can convert the files to something Cakewalk Next will open? (Midi, perhaps?) Thanks
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