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Wagner Cappia

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About Wagner Cappia

  • Birthday 03/27/1969
  1. I understand the need to pay for the product. I've been using cakewalk since it was just cakewalk. The point is that it competes with paid services, which is also not a problem in itself, but it largely opens up space for comparisons and decision-making. The protools studio costs 30 dollars per month, if the sonar costs more than that, considering it is the protools (which also has its problems), it could be an option because of its market strength, not because it is better or worse. I always had the impression that Cakewalk was supported by other Bandlab products, hence the free version. Wait...
  2. Good morning! When I go to edit a drum set, using a folder, making cuts and repositioning all the tracks it is not working as before, I don't know if there has been any change in the way it works. What happens is that the split works, I drag each side only once and from then on the cursor does not allow selecting the parts and the fade between the parts does not occur. Can anyone comment if they also have this scenario?
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