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George Thomas

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Posts posted by George Thomas

  1. Hi,

    I've been trying help a friend to set up his audio interface, cakewalk etc and show him the ropes. We use TeamViewer for remote access. All goes fine but the issue is that I can't hear any of the audio coming out of DAW while he plays or records. I need to export it to be able to listen to it. All other audio (i.e. youtube, media player etc) can be heard remotely at my end. He uses a Focusrite interface and I use a PreSonus Audiobox Go. Will appreciate pointers.

  2. 1 hour ago, mettelus said:

    The most probable cause is that you have an effect with a look ahead buffer running, often a mastering plugin like Ozone. If you hit E (Global FX Bypass) does the latency persist when you arm the track?

    Appreciate the quick reply and the fix. You were right, it was a plugin (Q Range) which was deleted from the audio track and worked like a charm. Thanks again.

    On a different note, I'm trying to mask a constant high hat that goes on as a metronome throughout the entire track (quite irritating) Q Range is 12 band equalizer and did the job but obviously bites me elsewhere 😄 Anyone know a good one that can remove or dampen a particular frequency.

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  3. Hi everyone,

    I recorded a guitar cover a few days ago which also has a backing track. All good to go. And then I tried mastering it with some plugins which went well too. A few hours later I wanted to re-record a part of the track and noticed there is a huge latency. A couple of seconds between playing a note on the guitar and hearing it. So went ahead and deleted all the plugins but that did not help. A new project and other saved projects have no issues. I also tried creating a new instrument track on this project and it has no issue.  Not sure what could be wrong with this particular project. Initially thought it had to with a Windows update and uninstalled it too. Any advice?

    Ps. Additional findings just now. I deleted a track that had volume automation and the the guitar input sounds fine (no latency) while playing it. The moment I arm it, the latency begins.


  4. Should be a quick one for the experts here. Was using Cakewalk with a Presonus AudioBox Go for a few months now and everything was fine. Yesterday I disconnected my laptop to watch the TV with a HDMI cable. Connected back everything this morning and Cakewalk shows the message that an audio device is not available. If I check the preferences, I can see the audiobox ticked off under devices. When I create and audio track, the input shows none. I then checked the device with Audacity and it works records and plays back fine. Am trying to troubleshoot it but in the meantime, any tips will help. I also confirmed in the sound settings that AudioBox was the input device


  5. 7 hours ago, Will. said:

    Sounds like your USB cable might be the culprit here. 

    Just tried the USB cable from my Boss GT 100 with the same result. Guess the box is broken :(  Saw quite a few posts on the Line 6 forum with the same complaints and think one of the support guys said it was a hardware issue. EoL I guess and no regrets, used it for a few good years. Time to move on.

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  6. Thanks guys, was trying troubleshooting it and now seem the UX2 stopped working completely (the clip LED keeps blinking). Guess it was an issue with the driver. Now no matter what I do, the drivers don't work and shows up as an recognized device on the device manager. 2 days of trying and I've given up and ordered a Presonus AudioBox Go. It's class compliant and so I can use with the iPad too (got Bandlab on it btw) Done with driver nonsense 😄  Thanks again.

    Ps. The AudioBox Go comes with Studio One so I'll dirty my hands with a new DAW.  Seems it's got some great features.

  7. Been using Cakewalk for a month now. Am using a Line 6 UX2 audio interface. This morning, there is no output coming through. All other apps seems to work fine through this interface, including Youtube etc.  I get the pop up about the audio interface saying there is not audio device for the current model although the device in the preference option shows ASIO UX2. Tried the below as a part of troubleshooting.

    Uninstalled Windows update that happened the same morning

    Uninstalled the audio interface and reinstalled it again

    Reinstalled Cakewalk

    Tried ASIO4All

    Am starting to pull out my hair now. Anyone with any tips?


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