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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I didn't know it was on Amazon Prime. Yay! I check Netflix and only available as 4 episodes per DVD. Looks like I can see if it clicks with me.
  2. Sure , you really making me want to watch it now.
  3. They look nice but I can't justify the cost of one of those beauties
  4. Hey Meng, Noel, Jesse, Hoping you have a great NAMM show !
  5. i will have to check out "The Orville" show
  6. I think they have a few surprises for us. I'm more hoping they will have an add-on store up and running. Think it would calm peoples nerves about how is Bandlab going to survive without any revenue.
  7. I also think STTNG had better story lines than the first ST series. I also am a fan of the star trek voyager series.
  8. Oh shoot I gave away his identity. Please don't hurt my Rowlf. He is a gentle dog/muppet.
  9. Only is you are a 00X agent and licensed to K*^# If not please hand in your weapons
  10. I did date a Michelle............... She wasn't French................ better than Kylie, have no idea😉
  11. Thanks Pete for the explanation. Hopefully it will make it into the Windows build.
  12. in a yellow submarine they did they did I tell ya
  13. Wow coming from you, Alex that is praise. Glad it is working so well for you.
  14. hmmm if the DAW fanboy stikes back did he use a light saber????????????????????
  15. You were to turn right at Greenland and left at Greenwood and another left at Greenpeace..................... Don't use Google maps it tells you to follow Greenpeace into the ocean
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