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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. And finally Belle chillin watching TV
  2. Or is it possible you're from the South and never learned how to read.......................................? (jk) 😜
  3. Actually I was only a youngster into early 20's time frame. My mom was the one entrusted with keys to so many of the neighbors houses she had them color coded with a separate sheet of paper locked in desk telling her which key was for which house. Funny thing is my mom worked full time and on weekends too. You think the neighbors would of gave the keys to someone else. I do have to say one thing about my mom, almost everyone that met her loved her. She was a wonderful lady. (back to story) - I just happen to be the lucky one home at the time to go check on them. Sometimes my brother would be home and we would go together. It really didn't phase me. The hard one was having to go check on my dad as he wasn't answering the phone. I knew what to expect but that was the hardest seeing my dad dead on the floor. He didn't let any neighbor have any keys to the house! Funny on a different front is my SIL went to her first wake/funeral when she was mid forties. By that age I couldn't even tell you how many wakes/funerals I attended already. Anyway later today I'll post a few pictures of the new kitty meeting our dog.
  4. You can if you like. I just was realizing how many deceased older folks I ended up being the one that did the check-in on them to find them dead. Let me tell you it is over a half-dozen 😮. I didn't realize that until I remember the lady with the cats. At least her son took the cats in. Anyway it is funny how some cats are loners and others want to be by people. My wife really has gotten attached to the animals and now I don't think she would not to have a house of furry creatures roaming about. They do entertain us!
  5. They hope they leave and they get the extra money! Who are you kidding here Steve
  6. So true! We all are taking turns playing with her in her secluded area.
  7. Growing up an elderly lady passed away with cats and we found her laying in bed with her three cats all laying by her not trying to eat her as you say. 🤨 We had a key to her house and her son who lived 20 miles asked us to check on her as she wasn't answering her phone.
  8. We hope she will be. She is a purring machine and right now we have her separated form our dog and 6 year old cat. We think the dog will have a blast with her as Maddie loves to play. Unfortunately the mature cat bonded with the cat we lost due to cancer recently. It shall be interesting to see how "Boo" reacts to new kitten. The kitten will try to play with her, she is very social and we hope "Boo" accepts her. If not "Boo" will hang out in her Owners bedroom aka my daughter . Boo is more like a sad puppy when my daughter is at school. The cat that we lost would seek out Boo where ever she was and they would sleep together for afternoon naps. Last night we had the new kitty in our bedroom for the evening and she settled down and was on the bed with us. Today my wife and daughters are going to try and introduce the doggie to the kitten. I miss the fun time of this as I'm at work now
  9. My wife and I feel the same way. We both have a bond with music and attending mass with no music leaves us empty. Others disagree with us on this and say we should only be there for the mass, but it is the way we feel. My response to them is "The Music Has Me Prayer Twice Over" Peace
  10. New addition to the family. She is getting adjusted as are we.
  11. A Band I never saw live but wanted too. RIP Neil.
  12. Do they sing in Latin, French or English?
  13. I don't remember signing a waiver for you to use my Belly Button photo.............................................😅
  14. "I say boy, I say listen to me when im singin to you boy!"😆
  15. We found out not to long ago our little Tabby who wasn't 5 years old had cancer and spread. My wife was/is devastated that we had to say goodbye to her. That little tabby was my wife's buddy and most nights slept on the end of our bed. She would follow my wife around the house and always would camp out close by, especially when my wife was scrap-booking.
  16. They do have a way of touching our hearts.
  17. @Wibbles One of my favorite songs and my favorite Muppet singing it
  18. Trust me you don't want me to sing 😆
  19. I just thinking about eating some Spinach tonight 😉
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