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Bridget Murphy

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  1. With Celtic ERA 2, Tarilonte presents a significant enhancement to his acclaimed collection of Celtic instruments, introducing new additions alongside a refined and user-friendly interface. Whether crafting evocative film scores or composing stirring compositions, Celtic ERA 2 offers a treasure trove of authentic and high-quality sounds to elevate your music to new heights.
  2. Sorry if I was the one who resurrected this thread.
  3. I'd love to give it a listen! Thank you for sharing, and I'll be happy to give you some feedback.
  4. It's great that you have both libraries! Deep Solo Strings and the one you recently purchased likely have their own unique sonic characteristics and articulations, which can provide different options and textures for your compositions.
  5. That's sad, maybe they didn't find the answers to their questions here.
  6. Sure, using a violin or cello as the lead instrument might be a better choice for synthesizing, as their sounds can be more easily replicated by virtual instruments. Flute VSTs can indeed produce stunning sounds, but quality often comes with a higher price tag. Nonetheless, investing in quality virtual instruments can greatly enhance the overall production value of your music.
  7. It sad that you didn't like Irish music.
  8. That sounds like an interesting idea. Thank you for sharing.
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