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Curt Thurston

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Everything posted by Curt Thurston

  1. Thanks for the reply, that was encouraging but I tried it and still had no waveforms show for those tracks. The other tracks that I didn't edit show the waveforms normally. I created a new project and copied and pasted the source tracks from the original and I'm retracing my steps to see when and if the waveforms vanish. I'm going to look into the possibility tracks being muted, but they seem to play normally.
  2. To remove the latency from an audio track I just recorded, I selected a few ms at the beginning of that track, hit Edit, Cut and had it remove the hole and now although it plays, I see nothing in the waveform part of the track. There's no bar at the top to grab and move either. Why did it vanish and how do I prevent it?
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