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Everything posted by streichelfisch

  1. Hey guys im totally new to this type of music making. i started to make music with a midi keyboard a week ago (used cakewalk before to record stuff with my guitar using a audient id4) and the range of opportunities is overwhelming. was hoping to connect with a community with people who make that kind of music with cakewalk maybe even people with a similar music taste. so, I bought a nektar impact LX25+ a week ago and i am mainly using the reaplugs vsts and the kv331 synth master player plugin (which is amazing imo). but i want more but i dont have (much) money to spend. i have some specific artists that inspire me, for example: aphex twin, ceephax (acid crew), rival consoles, jon hopkins and nils frahm. (i also consider the foo fighters as the one band that got me into music making by buying a guitar and learning their songs. from them i got a feeling for rhythm i guess) BUT there are so many plugins out there, i was hoping some of you could give me any suggestion which plugin is also great in case that i want to make music like them (or as close as it gets ). A nice person on reddit already suggested me cardinal which i am going to check out soon. AND: i made my very first song with that keyboard. would love to hear your opinions and above all: criticism and suggestions for improvement are very very welcome! (since i dont know many people who actually make music). the hardest part for me is the volume of every track included. i made some of them louder, some quiter and i changed that so many times. i dont know how to explain that in english tbh. maybe u know what i mean. and i'm still not sure if it's too loud at some points. sitenote: it turned out to be a rather dark song, then i added voicelines of two different speeches from greta thunberg. after that, the song's mood/vibe began to make sense to me until it became the song you can listen to now. i don't want to begin any political discussion with that song (since thats not allowed here which is the reason i am writing this sitenote). its just .. the last years, i was (and still am) so sad and angry about whats happening to our earth and i guess i need this song to express it. still overwhelmed by all the opportunities, but happy that forums like this exist have a nice day!
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