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Posts posted by bigpeekay

  1. Slightly different problem for me regarding midi- I have a roland sonic cell connected to laptop via usb and running cakewalk .

    All works great and I love cakewalk bandlab. 

    Some of my midi files have an issue I cannot figure out.  When I open any of these particular files, and before playing it,  something changes the user preset on the sonic cell  to user preset NN  (for example preset 66 when there are only 64) and I cannot find what is doing this. 

    There is never any sysx data and as far as I can see no controller 0 or controller 32 messages in track events.

    Another symptom is that if I change Bank and Patch in certain tracks - nothing happens the sound doesnt change. This is true whether I set the sound via the GUI or in the event list for the track.  If I save and re-open, the changes have either disappeared or been set to some  random values in the patch change event in the track's event list.

    This, needless to say, is driving me absolutely crazy!!!!!!!! 


    Any ideas or thoughts?

  2. slightly different problem for me regarding midi- I have a roland sonic cell connected to laptop via usb. All works great and I love cakewalk bandlab. 

    I have one midi file that when I open it, and before playing it,  something changes the user preset on the sonic cell  to user preset 66 (there are only 64) and I cannot find how it does it as there is no sysx data and as far as I can see no controller 0 or controller 32 messages in track events, This is driving me absolutely crazy!!!!!!!! 


    Any ideas or thoughts?

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