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Z. Novkovic

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Everything posted by Z. Novkovic

  1. I can hear the individual drum sounds when using the mouse within the GUI of the VSTbut don't see any notes. Don't have any MIDI gear setup yet and was just trying to load up some basic drum VST's to use as a guitar backing track. Appreciate you helping but this could be having an old man learn new technologies. I remember a buddy of mine had Cakewalk back in mid 80's or was it early 90's and we both thought it was cool but never really stuck with it.
  2. I was able to import a WAV file and can hear the playback through my laptop speakers. However, I have not been able to successfully hear the playback when inserting a VST drum file. I did use the "instrument" selection when creating a new track and able to, in this case, listen to various drum VST's in cakewalk or MT Drum Kit. But, when I drag and drop the sounds into my track and hit play nothing comes out of the speakers other than the initial WAV file? Tried going through all the various Ytube videos on sound card and outputting but frustrated after spending almost 5 hours trying to figure it out. My laptop has a standard Synoptics SmartAudio HD card device...
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