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Robert Hale

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Everything posted by Robert Hale

  1. this one? https://www.amazon.com/Midiplus-SmartfaceⅡ-midiplus/dp/B01N4EBA40/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1VJ7US2CTQ6E9&keywords=audio+interface+asio&qid=1684782695&s=amazon-devices&sprefix=audio+interface+asio%2Camazon-devices%2C352&sr=1-4 or this one? https://www.amazon.com/M-Audio-M-Track-Duo-Interface-Podcasting/dp/B08Q1V77NR/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1VJ7US2CTQ6E9&keywords=audio%2Binterface%2Basio&qid=1684782695&s=amazon-devices&sprefix=audio%2Binterface%2Basio%2Camazon-devices%2C352&sr=1-2&th=1
  2. I accept your apology... up to a point. John, all you needed to do was remind me that the answers I am seeking are in your video series. That's all. Grumpy is never justified. There is a lot of conflicting advice on this and other boards. As for starting threads, I am new to forum protocol. It's not clear to a new member where, when, and how to navigate. Teach kindly, or be quuiet. If you cannot be courteous about the behavior of others, take a vacation. You are not the King of this tiny kingdom. Compliment: your video series is excellent.
  3. I was recently able to record a live guitar track, but I can't remember what the settings were, so I'm not able to reproduce it again. I have opened a new project hoping to have default, un-altered settings. I have carefully followed forum suggestions (thank you, Lord Tim), and googled a number of terms to learn what they are doing. I deleted all ASIO and ASIO4ALL, and have selected WASAPI SHARED at 41,000. Cakewalk is confirmed up to date. I've been all through the EDIT>PREFERENCES looking for something to complete the signal path. I can hear my incoming instrument (acoustic guitar with Fishman pickup) with headphones using the DIRECT switch on the Behringer UM2. But I don't see the level on the channel VU meters and it does not record. I want to hear track 1 played back while I record track 2. (Not too much to ask, right?) What I am missing? Thank you, forum members.
  4. Hi Lord Tim, thank you for the step by step sequence. Using the UM2, do I plug in a Casio keyboard to the (left) MIC/ LINE 1, or to the right INST 2?
  5. thanks to each of you responding, especially Lord Tim with a step by step sequence. Sorry to have annoyed some of you for continually pursuing my gear and set up questions. I do read everything carefully and try your ideas. (Does this reply go to each responder to this thread? I don't see a way to respond to one of the group) Thanks again to all.
  6. thanks for the responses. I do have the Behringer UM2, but having trouble connecting it, and got curious about this ad. Thanks.
  7. Can this be used as a recording interface? https://digitech.com/dp/rp500/
  8. https://www.amazon.com/PHOINIKAS-External-Headphone-Microphone-Desktops/dp/B07FP8PG9N It's only $26. Would this help me set up for recording?
  9. Hi Kperry, thank you. I'm not clear on the difference, and how to find it and use it. Can you advize?
  10. When I connect the Behringer UM2 interface, I hear the current instrument (guitar) through headphones with no delay when I press the DIRECT button. But how do I hear the previous tracks as well?
  11. In the first 2 minutes, this video shows the use of a latency test built into Cakewalk. Have any of you found it? https://youtu.be/9-R113EwYNM
  12. yes, I think so. But how do I confirm that?
  13. Thanks all. I have used this UM2 with n-track studio without latency. Does that mean I use the direct button to monitor, and do not need to buy other gear? Is there a "latency test" in Cakewalk? I have not found it.
  14. Thanks all. I have used this UM2 with n-track studio without latency. Does that mean I use the direct button to monitor, and do not need to buy other gear?
  15. I have one audio track down, and want to hear it with the new second audio track. I have phones plugged into the headphone out of Behringer UM2 with direct button in. How do I hear both new and old track in phones? Windows 11
  16. wow, Terry, thank you for the detailed response! My concern right now is hearing my guitar in sync with a previous track, all audio, no instruments or VST. The video I linked talked about a "latency test" but I don't find the path he described. Audacity has a similar process to play a click thru headphones to a mic. Then enter the difference to perfectly align the new track during record. Thanks for the tip to shut off wifi, and use wired headphones.
  17. latency test only available for Android
  18. IS this the answer I've been searching for?
  19. I am trying to learn everything I can about latency. I recognize that each person's computer represents a different set of conditions. My keyboard tracks are ok because they have a softer start. But guitar is very noticeable because it has a sharp moment when I pick the strings. I'm using Windows 11 and a Behringer UM2 with latest software loaded. Does Cakewalk support a test where I can get the delay down to un-noticeable? (For example, play the click track from headphones to mic and see the delay?) If not how do you do it? What other suggestions do you have for latency? Thanks to all responders.
  20. Thanks to all for contributions regarding pitch shift. I am attempting to try the advice of Bobby Owsinski https://bobbyowsinski.com/ to make two more identical copies of a vocal. Raise the left channel 3 hz and lower the right channel 3 hz. Leave the center channel unaltered. Cakewalk will crash each time I attempt to put pitch shift into a track.
  21. Robert Hale

    App crash

    When I try to drag an effect into a track, my system churns for a moment, then closes. Your experience please?
  22. hello and thank you. they are audio tracks.
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