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Serge Huysmans

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  1. Well, a big thank to User 905133 and John Vere, a day in this week I must try this method but it already seems that it should work. To achieve my explanations, I may send you a message with a pair of my works if you like. Have a nice weekend.
  2. Many thanks for your quick responses. I realize that I was probably not precise enough and I apologize for that. I'm a guitarist and, thanks to MidiGuitar2, I use plugins in Cakewalk that allow me to output sounds from many other instruments, but I don't leave the category of waves. I would like to be able to compare the result of my phrasing with consecutive instruments without having to replay the phrase on the guitar each time. A friend using Logic Pro assures me that he does it fluently.
  3. Hello everyone, I'm new on this forum. It was only very late that I became interested in computer-assisted music and Cakewalk is my greatest friend in this field. Of course, I've watched many tutorials but still haven't found the answer to this question: how to make an audio phrase recorded using an instrument automatically play through a flute or any other instrument? Thanks to watch.
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