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Posts posted by ChernobylStudios

  1. That motif starting at 0:24 is compelling and I personally would have really expanded on it. Nice composition in general. 👍

  2. Hey,

    Here is a recent song I wrote and mixed. 

    This track was then mixed in Cakewalk by Bandlab. Enjoy.


  3. Hey Bob,

    Listening to this mix on my Eve Audio monitors and ATHM50x cans. 

    • Low mids are very hyped and the kick/bass/guitar is clashing hard in this area;
    • Bass is too loud;
    • Song falls apart at 1:16 - beat flips and the additional guitar is not in sync with the song, feels like the whole song is not in rhythm here;
    • Song comes back together with itself at around 1:39;
    • There are strange cymbal hits that seem to come out of nowhere sometimes (1:14, for example);
    • I'd add some more presence into the rhythm guitars - something like a small 10k boost with an API for example.

    Low-Mids here are the biggest issue in my opinion. Turn down the bass, dig out the 200-700 area of the bass aggressively; you can boost around 3k for some grit to blend into the guitars which will let the bass poke through as well.

    Have to agree with others and say the vocals are great, though! Wish I could sing, haha. 🤣

  4. On 3/20/2019 at 11:27 PM, razor7music said:

    So, instead of replying to the same basic questions of how to use CbBL to every new user that joins the forum over and over again, we just point them to your vids? I love it!

    My original goal when starting the channel was exactly this. I actually was personally involved in producing official Cakewalk tutorials on their YouTube channel for a few months before Gibson pulled the plug. 


    On 3/21/2019 at 10:10 PM, InstrEd said:

    Yep.  I have to say Presonus did it right with Studio One. There are tons of videos to watch and guide you along. One of the things missing from Cakewalk. So any video that helps folks learn CbB is fine by me.

    I used the crossover discount to buy Studio One 3.5 and found the DAW to be very similar to Cakewalk. However, I do a lot of MIDI work and I found S1's PRV to be frustrating. I personally believe Cakewalk still has the best PRV functionality. (I may be biased, I used it for over 15 years.)

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  5. 23 hours ago, arlen2133 said:

    I subscribed. 😊

    Although I've been a longtime user, I have a brother that's pretty new to CbBL.

    This will be a good introduction.


    Thanks for doing this and much success to you!

    Thank you. 


    On 3/19/2019 at 2:55 AM, fogle622 said:

    I'm sorry you believe  I'm trolling you.  That is not my intent and I apologize for making you feel that way.    Once again, I'm sorry.  I will refrain from posting additional comments to your threads.

    No worries. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 3/19/2019 at 2:53 AM, fogle622 said:

    Great, I'm sure the development team will appreciate your report.   Yep, that thread sure read like the same issue, especially the message you linked.  Silly question but how did you find that thread so quick?

    Hopefully the bug will be fixed in the next update or two.  Typically the biggest issues with bugs are first recognizing one and the second is clearly defining the bug.  I think between your post and the link to the thread he development team won't have much trouble verifying and defining the bug.

    Just did a Google search for "cakewalk style dial mouse disappears" and basically that thread popped up and I scanned it for a similar situation. 

    • Like 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, fogle622 said:


    Thanks for sharing the issue with all forum participants!  Feedback like this is invaluable toward helping Cakewalk by BandLab become the most trouble free DAW available at any price.

    Did the issue occur with one particular Style Dial or all of them?  If one, which one did you discover the issue?

    Also, did you know you can report issues directly to support here?  https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

    No, I didn't. I'll report it now.

    All of them.

    I found somebody else also having the same issue in 2017. Here is the link to the post.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, fogle622 said:

    Thanks.  It looks like it will be an interesting video series.  The technical aspects (audio, clear video, etc) is top notch!

    One fault I found is that there is a tendency to pick and choose terms.  For example while providing an overview of the various Control Bar modules the video spent a fair amount of time explaining the punch in-out module versus no time at all on the loop or selection modules.   As another example the video also spent more time dismissing the Video sync module than explaining the other modules.

    I think your mistake is in not clearly defining your audience and spending too little time on script development.  Who is the video series intended audience?  For instance, is the audience new to DAWs or new to CbB/Sonar?  Does the intended audience have a background in live sound, recording or music production?  Answers to these questions or similar questions should be stated in the beginning of a video series as they define the scope of content coverage.


    I didn't spend any time on the video sync module because most people who open Cakewalk by Bandlab for the very first time are not scoring films, commercials, or doing anything with film. In all the years I've been doing Cakewalk tutorial videos, I have never once received a question, comment, or request to do any content regarding the Video sync module. It's due to this experience that I didn't spend any time on it.

    Going into a little more detail about the Punch-In module made more sense as it's something new users would probably want to use.

    I don't know if you're trolling me, but I'd imagine that a person would be able to take it at face-value what the Loop module does. Any in-depth explanation about it would be redundant. 

    Yeah, I don't... I mean, it's pretty easy to understand that the audience is very clearly defined: new users to Cakewalk by Bandlab. 

    • Sad 1
  9. Hello,

    Edit: 23 March 2019
    I decided it could be helpful to include a list of upcoming tutorial videos and their links. The video below is the first video in the playlist, but if you are interested in a specific topic, check the following list for quick navigation. If there is no link for it yet, it means I haven't uploaded it. I can take requests, but keep in mind that I run another business on top of my actual Chernobyl Studios audio work, so if I like the idea, it'll get put on the list and I'll get to it when I get to it.

    Original Post:
    Many of you will probably remember me. I have a channel on YouTube that I created many years ago for creating Cakewalk SONAR Platinum tutorials. I constantly get questions, comments, and requests on those old videos I did years ago. I'm updating all of the Cakewalk videos I did for SONAR Platinum to Cakewalk by Bandlab.

    There are three videos currently online, with 4 more already scheduled to come out this week. Please share this playlist with anybody who is getting started with Cakewalk by Bandlab. I am starting from the very basics and will work all the way through mixing an entire song. It will take a few weeks, but it will be worth it. 😎


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    • Thanks 11
    • Haha 1
  10. Hello,

    While creating my videos for YouTube, I came across the following bug.

    If the style dial is not enabled and you go to use the knob, clicking on it and spinning it, the mouse cursor will disappear and the knob will not turn. You need to close the program and re-open it again. Enabling the style dial before moving the knob obviously solves this issue.


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